How do you like your songs?

What kind of songs do you prefer

  • Short and simple, no solos, song is around 3-4 minutes and cuts right to the chase

    Votes: 25 56.8%
  • long and complex with solos, long intros and breaks, over 6.5 minutes

    Votes: 19 43.2%

  • Total voters
i voted for short, i generally like a few long songs, but if you constantly overdo it the music becomes impossible to listen to
I like both really. But some long songs can kick a lot of ass if its done right.If it was a really repetitive long song it would probably be annoying.
I like the 3-4 minutes songs more, but with a solo in the middle (and maybe even another bit solo line toward the end) like the Cars "You are the Girl".

A good song that leaves you wanting more (because it is short) is not a bad thing......a so-so song that goes on too long starts to stink up the place like bad fish.
I'm a fan of well crafted songs that get the lyrical story line out (with a beginning, middle, end) in 3-4 minutes. If there's still rome for a short instrumental section that supports the song - so much the better.
Depends on the songwriter, the band ,etc. Some bands do long songs quite well imo like Tool. But in general I prefer shorter songs.
It really depends on what im in the mood to listen too. but 90% of the songs i listen to are like Death Cab for Cutie, Snow Patrol, Coldplay, some are long, some are short, not alot of solos. I just love the way alot of those guys write songs.
For songs that I make up myself, I like to keep them short and simple. I just don't have the skills to maintain too long a song.

But I have no trouble listening to something like Machine Gun, the odd Pink Floyd epic or Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands
I really like short songs. Like someone mentioned above - it's nice to have a song that leaves you wanting more. If you feel that it's is dragging on, and your finger is hovering over the "skip" button, it's too long.
i like the instermental breaks on long songs if they're well thought out and easy to listen to like "the almond brothers band". but i personally can get sick of a song if it is very repetive or to many ideas going on at once. then it would be ok if it was short.
I said "long" because I don't like "short", but honestly, I prefer "medium". Give it a reasonable form, minimum of two verses, sometimes three, one chorus per verse, plus one instrument break and one extra chorus. Mix in whatever order you like.

My favorite forms are


Where A is a verse, B is chorus, a/b are instrumental verse/chorus, C is a bridge, and A' is a half verse.

That last form is about seven minutes for a ballad. The first is about five. The others are in-between.
I like my pop/rock songs to be around the three minute mark - unless I'm at a live concert where you expect lots of instrumental parts. Unfortunately after you add a three verses a bridge and chorus' it usually stretches out way too far.....

:D :D :eek: :eek: :D :D
i love a hook-laden power tune - and then an alternate version that spreads it out over double the time and explores all the layers of it.
There's no "Melodic" choice. That's how I like my songs. They can be 2 minutes, long and complex or whatever, but I'll only like it if it's melodic.
I had to vote for the shorter versions of songs. You can only hold the attention of a listener for so long. When playing live you can always stretch a song if an audience is really into it by adding an extra chorus or an extra solo, but its hard to shorten a song if it is not going over well.
I like both but I write shorter ones.... I suppose it is my short attention sp...the weather is cold here! :D