How do you know what you're talking about?


Bdgr said:
I try to only post about stuff I have played with, but I'm old....Not Harvey old, but old just the same....

Being old, I remember when Midi came out. I remember going into music stores, and playing with brand new analog synths.

I remember when Kramer Gtrs were the shit, and if a guitar didnt have a floyd rose it sucked.

I remember when Echo units had tape in them, and clear acrylic was an option for drums.

And I got to play with crap between here and there. I got to see a day when you could buy an Arp 2600 or a Mini Moog in a pawn shop for 100 bucks, but no body wanted one. Rhodes were a dime a dozen, the Korg M1 was king for day. A vox Jaguar was a doorstop...I knew a pawn shop that had an Arp Axe, and Memory Moog, and a Moog source, all at the same time, and nobody wanted them because who the hell wants analog synths anyway....I mean People collect gtr's, but who the hell collects old keys....The new ones are so much better....

where was I....Anyway, over time, you change gear, stuff falls out of favor, and you can buy it cheap, then it gets popular again and you wish you hadnt hocked it...but you get to play with a lot of stuff,and you learn....and then when somebody asked you on a message board about some old Moog, or a hammond, or a rhodes, you can dredge of that memory of the time you fixed your prophet with a soldering iron and flashlight, and a paper clip in the drummers garage right before a gig, or how the first rhodes was built out of wrecked B17's, or the hammond was made by a tone-deaf clock maker....or how a real clavinet used a 9 volt and the notes would actually bend of you leaned on it...

Bdgr, I have....ummmm .... something in my eye......

Great post dude. I literally felt I was in a time machine.

I remember those days so well. Holy Jesus, that was twenty years ago! I remember my sequential Circuits Six-trak, my poly-800 with 256 note sequencer, my mini-moog, radio shack mixer, Fostex 4 track ( I had a badass one, I was the shit), Digitech delay stompbox.

When I discovered midi, my life was never the same again. When I got my Alesis midiverb, I think I did a cumshot.

Oh man, my Yamaha drum machine, my qx21 sequencer, my fb40 tone module. God I miss that stuff. Now I have SONAR, Waves native bundle, wavelab, tons of instruments, a violin that costs as much as a small house,but:

I would trade it all to go back again and have the enthusiasm I used to have for those great toys.

I must now change my depends undergarments.

"YOU KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN"= funniest thing I have read here in ages. Oh so true...
Yeah...the fun we use to have with such primative gear.

My first setup for music was a Moog Micromoog, and a 100 year old french made violin with a dearmond pickup that attached with a little arm thingy off the tailpiece and acted as a contact microphone(and feedback was incredable). I finally put a barcus berry bridge on it.. I used to drool over the alverez electrics they had at the music store, and barcus berry 5 string the Jean Luc played. I listened to imaginary voyage over and over, and Micks solo on the full version of roll over beetoven bye ELO. I then discovered that when you ran your abortion of a homemade electric violin through the filter banks of a micromoog, and a flanger, and a super big muff distorer/compressor, and a memory man, and a crybaby, and turned it all on at once, that no body would talk to you, much less let you play in thier band.

So I sold my violin to my great aunt(who when she dies I am hoping to get it back). I havent played violin in almost 20 years, I miss it so...I kept the moog and got the aforementioned Jaguar and a Korg DW6000...

The enthusiasm. I miss that the most. If I had the setup I have now, then, I would never leave some pathetic musical D&D freak who works at the comic book store and lives in his parents basement(if they had basements in texas..which they dont) The sheer newness of it all, the exploration....Sorta like when I first met Mrs. Bdgr and spent every waking moment with her...the experimentation, and obsession with figuring out how rick wakeman got the cool choir sound in the halleluia chorus in excerpts from the six wives of henry the viii(I assume now it was a melotron) I miss it as well. but now there are mortgage payments to make, yardwork to keep up with, children to parent, and a wife to piss off....being an adult sucks....

I had a Sequential six track, and one of those radio shack 100 watt powered mixer/amps.....Hey, it worked. I got to play a poly 800, and an 800II, and the poly 61...It introduced me to the joys of arpegiators....Never owned those, but I wanted them. Remember seeing the Akai AX80 in the music store for first time? with that big knob and all those bar graphs across the front? Damn it still looks impressive(I still have one too)...

My first home studio:
My prophet t8, sequential drumtracks(with matching wood sides!), going into my Ross 4x4, and a shure unisphere. For sequencing, a MPU401 compatible card stuck off in a compaq sewing machine (lift with your knees, not your back) running dos and cakewalk version1.something or other. I still have the computer and the card, and maybe even that version of cakewalk. It pre-dates standard midi files IIRC.

Ever open up sequential gear and read all the silk screen messages? My T8 had all the occilators circuits marked phaser banks on the board....and the drum machine had "may peace prevail on earth" somewhere in it....sniff....

And get this, children...if you wanted to change the sounds in the drumtracks, you have to pull the roms out of thier zif sockets and pop in new ones...
I'm in the latter catagory I suppose. I don't have a lot of experience with all of the high dollar mics (except one), processors, and recording equipment.

I would only comment on equipment I've personally used or a friend had let me use. I have experience only with DBX, Roland, Sennheiser, Kurzweil, Tascam, and Alesis products so I can't offer a whole hell of a lot and I usually keep my mouth shut about equipment recommendations unless it relates to the above.

I read magazine articles about gear with a grain of salt too. You don' t think a magazine is going to bad mouth one of their advertisers products do ya? Whatever they are reviewing you can bet it's gonna get at least an OK from the mag. Even if it sounds like crap.


My first four-track was made by Ross. I was trying for days to remember that name. Thanks for jarring my old fart memory.
Man that machine was the shit back in '85. Hardly anyone a four-track back then and everyone that I hung with back then wanted to record on it. I still listen to the master two tracks from that machine every now and then and they sound so primitive and crappy compared to what my machine and I are capable of producing now. It was a tough little machine though.
Bdgr said:
Yeah...the fun we use to have with such primative gear.

The enthusiasm. I miss that the most. If I had the setup I have now, then, I would never leave home......being an adult sucks....

And get this, children...if you wanted to change the sounds in the drumtracks, you have to pull the roms out of thier zif sockets and pop in new ones...

Ahhhh, the Children. We must teach the Children about the Old days, it is our job. Listen up, Kids...

Back then, we were real MEN. We didnt have no stinkin Software, plug-ins, doodads, whatnots. We went to Music Stores and drooled for hours, we worked and saved to buy the stuff. We didnt have any Morpheus/Kazaa software, we couldnt steal the latest software in ten minutes over a T1. We were MEN.

Back then, we had things called Records. They were big and Vinyl. They had cover Art that was as important as the music. Once in a while, a group came out with a double album, like the White Album ( a band from England called the Beatles did that one). Those were important, because we used to clean our pot with those. Try cleaning Pot with a Britney Spears CD, you pampered little Sissies:D

We didnt have forums like this to learn. We had a bunch of knobs, and we turned them as much as possible before they broke off. We had friends, too. Not no-name computer-screen friends, but actually people who owned gear. We borrowed gear, but you had to give your friend some Grass (slang term for Pot) to make sure all was "groovy".

When we were MEN:

Autotune= "Dude, sing it again, that sucked"
Effects= " Sing into the trash can, and don't Bogart that Joint"
Overdubbing= Rich kids owned four-tracks, poor kids borrowed two tape decks.

Quantize= " What the hell is that?"
Copy/Paste= I will go get the Elmers Glue.
Aux Send= " Who are we gonna send out to get more Beer?"
Automated Mix= "John, you are playing too loud"
Computer Recording= "Check it out, I just got 'Pong'"
Internet Collaboration= " I am going to Columbus to jam with some Dudes."

Normalize= " Everybody play really loud"
Mastering= " Let's buy a good TDK tape"
Noise Reduction= " Hey dude, shut the hell up"
Digital= " hey, cool watch"

Time to go now. I think I will fire up SONAR, maybe work with my Waves Native Gold Bundle or Wavelab. Maybe I will make some funny pictures in Photoshop. Maybe I will just dream about the old days.
Here here.

Yeah, I actually get to say that every now and then.

Computers were something I worked on in the Military. Nobody had a computer back then. Anyone hear of Cobol, Fortran?

Windows was just Bill Gates' dream at that point.

And the delay unit I used had KNOBS not pushbuttons and pre-sets.
Sennheiser said:

Computers were something I worked on in the Military. Nobody had a computer back then. Anyone hear of Cobol, Fortran?

Windows was just Bill Gates' dream at that point.

And the delay unit I used had KNOBS not pushbuttons and pre-sets.

Yeah knobs...I remember those...

Actually, some of us had computers...I got mine in 1979, but it wasnt doing much musically. and there wasnt any damn internet, just darpa, and we couldnt get we dialed up bbs's at 300 baud, with modems that you had to set a phone reciever into...just like in war games...only we didnt get Alley Sheedy...

And windows was something that Xerox was experimenting with at Pala Alto, and Apple and Microsoft hadnt evan thought of stealing it yet.

COBOL....Compleatly Outdated By Other Languages