How do you build a band, but you're the captian. Any ideas?

eye eye Dani Pace

Thanx for the encouraging word Dani
I will keep lookin for me mates that will sail with me to all the lands the sea has to offer. Eye mate, there's storms a brewing out there and there's big waves and to barren down the hatches at times. I am tempted to abandon this ship at times, but I must keep sailing for now. The great songs shall bring me thru for now

Fleetwood Mac is still Fleetwood Mac even with only one original member left.

But, just get out there and play solo a lot. You run into people. One reason people lose band members is that they don't book enough shows. If you're having lots of fun shows your band members will be less likely to leave. I got recruited to play guitar in a band not too long ago....but all this band does is practice alot...which is good. But they never get gigs unless I get the gigs and I'm not the leader of the band. So, the minute my taxi band has a conflict, I won't give a second thought to this side-project. If they were working hard on getting lots of shows maybe I would be less likely to take-off.

Horns, Harmony, & Humor