How do you all store your microphones?


New member
Here's an interesting question: how do you all store your microphones? I've got about 12 mics and they're kinda stored a little bit haphazardly, in different cases and boxes, most of them stuffed into a large tote bag. All in their own boxes and safe from damage, of course, but it's not very convenient or tidy. Looking for ideas on how to store my microphones.

What do you all do?
All my mics are in their cases/boxes, and they're all neatly stacked on a dedicates set of shelves in my studio so I can easily get at them. It's kinda like a mic "locker", though it's not a locker with doors, just open shelves that are tucked in a back corner of my studio. In that same area I keep all my mic it's like a mic/stand corner. :)
If they're not on a stand they're in foam-lined case. Reminds me, I need to make a case for a mic that didn't come with one...
Mine are just in a closet hung upside down from the ceiling like bats. :D

I like how J.J. Blair has that video you sent me a link to:


Check out the clip from about 29:30 ...he has them mounted somehow in his locker, without cases, and then just puts baggies over them to keep the dust out.

If I had the space to set up an actual locker, with doors, that would be a cool way to do it...instead of messing with cases all the time. Kinda the same way I do with my guitars, all hanging on the wall.
Having to always pull out the cases (for guitars or mics) can be a PITA...though I can live with the mics in their cases since I'm not doing all kinds of sessions where I need to be constantly setting up for now they stay in their cases, where they are certainly safe.
I built some shelves in an actual closet. The 57's usually stay on stands, the drum mics stay on stands, all others go back in boxes on shelves. They are semi organized by type, diaphragm size and cost.
I've got a fair amount myself...but I never sorted them by type, diaphragm size and cost.
I only sorted them by how best they all fit on my selves. :D
I'm trying to decide if I'm more bothered by the fact that you're apparently wearing your microphones or that you refer to yourself in the plural ;)
Not really anal just stupid, I cant find stuff if I don't have some sort of minimal organization. It's still really a mess, just as I said "semi" organized.
All good stuff. The exception is the ribbon mic if you have one. Generally it is said you should keep these vertical to prevent ribbon 'sag'.
Probably best to give them a dedicated stand and just slip a bag over it.

All good stuff. The exception is the ribbon mic if you have one. Generally it is said you should keep these vertical to prevent ribbon 'sag'.
Probably best to give them a dedicated stand and just slip a bag over it.


All my ribbon mics are in their cases, and the cases stored so the mics inside sit vertically. :)
Thanks for all the ideas, guys. Now I've got some ideas bubbling around in my head and now I've gotta figure out what works best for me.
All of my mics are in cases and are separated by type. All the true condensers have plastic bags as well as a soft lint-free bag and are in their respective attache style cases which are housed in a large set of cabinets in the studio. I also have a metal two drawer file cabinet for mic storage. The ribbons are all stored vertically and are in their own boxes. My Cathedral Pipes Seville ribbon comes in an aluminum case and has a high-end wine storage bag over it. It's how they come! The attache cases have all their foam cut to fit and some are large enough to house three sometimes four mics. I have a serious investment in these and I also loan them to my producer friends so they have to be travel-worthy. And yes...I have a lot of mics....
idea for mik store.webp

I saw this on here ages ago and never got round to copying it (sorry I cant give credit I just kept the pic) mine are in a couple of drawers under my desk in their boxes.
Foam lined mic box that holds a dozen vertically, and a centre compartment just bundled in as they fit. My studio mics are currently mostly on stands, or laying on top of a flightcase in a sort of mess. This pretty much sums me up. Once the mic box is full, everything else is haphazard. I don't treat any of the mics, apart from the ribbons very carefully at all. Of course, I can never find the ones I want, never remember where I put any of them, but as I don't turn computers off ever, if I can avoid it, with mics always wired in and on stands - I can run in, press record and go.