How do they record orchestras?


New member
is it simply overheads placed over each section of the orchestra?

listening to Metallica's S&M has sparked a curiousity...
Very carefully?

Yes they have the ability to turn up or down specific sections, and often times close mic the piano. They can mic just about anything they want though and probably do. Also they have a main pair of mics.

Live recordings can differ. Sometimes all sections mic'ed and a main pair. Sometimes just with two mics. I guess it all depends on the room and that days performance. The level of musicians in orchestras is sooooo high though, that they probably could get away with just 2 mics most of the time. I think the extra mics are as much precautionary as they are for being used.

Actually, I recently watched 'The Making of West Side Story-The Album), and it showed a lot of orchestral recording.

In fact, most albums are recorded in studios unless it's a live recording or if for some reason the orchestra is trying to get a certain sound for a piece (like in a church, etc)

Anyhow, if you are seeing a live event being recorded, there will be mics in the front on either side of the conductor, or mics will be placed throughout the orchestra sections.

In the West Side Story film, mics were placed in various sections, with close mics on instruments like the piano and guitar. Then, after the recording they are able to adjust the sounds by section. But, for the most part, orchestral works are recorded in the studio, not in the concert halls.

microchip said:
Actually, I recently watched 'The Making of West Side Story-The Album), and it showed a lot of orchestral recording.

In fact, most albums are recorded in studios unless it's a live recording or if for some reason the orchestra is trying to get a certain sound for a piece (like in a church, etc)

Anyhow, if you are seeing a live event being recorded, there will be mics in the front on either side of the conductor, or mics will be placed throughout the orchestra sections.

In the West Side Story film, mics were placed in various sections, with close mics on instruments like the piano and guitar. Then, after the recording they are able to adjust the sounds by section. But, for the most part, orchestral works are recorded in the studio, not in the concert halls.


cool... i saw a bit of the star wars theme being recorded on tele... it was in a studio, they had the biggest mix i had ever seen... must of had about 60 VU metres on the top bouncing up and down with the music

Was that a TV show you were watching? Do you know what show it was on? I would love to see video of them working on the Star Wars soundtracks.

it was a video clip actually... it went for about 6 minutes, and had a mixture of studio video of them recording and movie scenes. The audio was a song from episode 2. i wonder if they have made a behind the scenes type of thing for the soundtrack?
Well, if it was one of the new Star Wars films, perhaps they have something like that on one of the 2 disc DVD sets...will have to check it out, and thanks for responding :)

in some orchestra halls you see mics hanging from the ceiling over the orchestra. i don't know if they are primarily for recording or broadcast, or both.
microchip said:
Well, if it was one of the new Star Wars films, perhaps they have something like that on one of the 2 disc DVD sets...will have to check it out, and thanks for responding :)


thats ok, my pleasure