How do they make their music?????


New member
Howdy all...

im not sure what category this question falls into but ill post it here anyway....

i know some of you may not reguard it as 'music', but artist like the Propellorhead, Fatboy Slim, Moby and the Prodigy, what do they use to make their music?

i assume it is done on computer, but what software do they use??? where can this software be got from???

can anyone answer my quesion???
Yes, they can! :)
All of these use a combination of synthesizers, drum-machines, samplers and computer software to make their music. Probably they all have tons of stuff.

Here are some links that claim to say what equipment they use. I have no idea how correct it is.

Now, what YOU are asking, really is "what do I need to do this kind of music", right? Thats a whole different question, really...
If you have a PC, some software to start out with is ReBirth ( and FruityLoops (have no link, search for yourself). If no computer, then your first need is a sampler and a sequencer.

[This message has been edited by regebro (edited 07-25-2000).]