How Do I Use Sample Sounds On Cubase?


New member
I have Cubasis go 3.0 and have recently downloaded a ton of sample sounds, but i don't know how to use them on cubase. Does anyone know how i can do this and if I need a keyboard to actually do so. When i try and use them at the minute it will only allow me to put them at start of a bar, how can i change this?

Any info would be helpful, cheers!
close said:
When i try and use them at the minute it will only allow me to put them at start of a bar, how can i change this?

Any info would be helpful, cheers!

Turn off the "Snap to bar" option. Don't know about Cubasis, on Cubase it's a little square button at the top, 2 arrows pointing in to a vertical line.
what kind of samples are these? percussion and stuff?, if so ur better off creating a soundfont and use something like sfz vst plugin to use it, and just map it out using midi. otherwise id turn the snap to on, but make sure the snap to quantize is on, not snap to bar, and then just put the quantize to 16th notes, or 32nd, whatever is ur preferance, so the sample will land on beat perfectly.....hope that helps!!
asalamualaikum..peace and blessings
Computer Music magazine has a sampler VSTi in every issue CD/DVD (bunches of other good stuff too.. well worth it to pick up a copy from the bookstore.)

Or you could buy something like Intakt, Kompakt, VSampler, etc.