How do I use Auto-Tune 3 with SonarXL?


New member
I have Auto-Tune 3 which I can access from my audio effects list in SonarXL. My question is: how do I get the audio clip I want to work on into the Auto-Tune program to modify it, and then, how do I get it back into the Sonar track?

I called Cakewalk tech support but they didn't seem to know how to use Auto-Tune 3 as an editing tool with Sonar. I think it must be the same procedure as with any other third party audio editing software, such as Sound Forge. Maybe someone here could tell my how that's done. Is it export/import; copy/paste? What's the trick for getting your audio clips into the editng screen, then back? Seems like it should be simple, but it's not explained at all in the Auto-Tune manual, and I can't find it in the Sonar manual either.
We had a thread on this a while back, basically Sonar does some sort of "sniffing" to see what audio applications you have installed appear on the Sonar "Tools" menu. Some audio applications show up automatically, some don't. In any case I believe this has to happen to support editing directly from Sonar.

One thread is at this link:

The other is at:

the red text in the threads are because I did a search for the term "registry".
MaKettle (how's Pa??) -

Autotune is not a wave editor and doesn't work like an editing program (e.g., Sound Forge). It's a plug-in, and works like all other plug-ins.

You can use it as a realtime plug-in by right-clicking on the FX Box in Track View and choosing Autotune from the selection menu. Then double click on it to open it.

Or you can use it destructively by highlighting the clip you wish to work on and right-clicking on the clip and choosing Audio Effects -> Autotune. Autotune will open with the highlighted clip loaded.
Thanks for the info. dachay2tnr and heinz. I've managed to get it to work in auto mode by following your instructions, but still can't get the clip to load in graphical mode. However, it's not to critical at this point since I was able to do all that I needed in Auto. I'll mess with it and figure it out at some point. By the way, Pa's strictly a Mac man running Pro Tools, that is, if he ever gets his computer out of the box.

Marjorie Main Rules!! (she played Ma Kettle in the movies)
Ma -

Maybe you have your audition time set too low in Sonar. Go to Options -> Global -> General and at the bottom of the page you will see a setting marked "Audition Commands for XX Seconds". Raise that setting. You can go as high as 25 seconds max., which I where I have mine set at.

It's possible that you had 3 seconds of silence at the start of the clip you were working on. If you had audition set at the default (3 seconds) it's quite likely that you were only loading those 3 seconds of silence into the Autotune graphical mode editor.