How do I regenerate "picture" files?


New member
A couple of my projects have lost their "picture" on some of the tracks in track view. The audio is OK, but the visual waveform is blank. The audio view is fine, but track view isn't. This is very random and happens for who knows what reason.....?
Surely there must be a way to regenerate the bad ones, but I can't seem to figure it out.
Any help would be 'preciated.
Personally I've never had this happen, but I think if you simply close Cakewalk, then reopen it and load the project, Cake will "redraw" the graphics for you.
Here's what I can offer

Are you sure the "Show wave forms in clips" option is checked? Once you're sure you have that option turned on, Cakewalk should automatically redraw whatever it needs. These little "pictures" are saved as .wov files I believe, and stored in the Cakewalk folder in another folder called "Picture Cache" or somehting like that.
There is an option somewhere to tell CW what folder to look for .wov files in. Perhaps that got changed by accident and CW is looking in the wrong place.
Beyond that, the only other thing I can think of is some kind of weird video card conflict.
Good luck
Thanks for the replies.
The problem stays with the project, closing and reopening has no effect. 95% of the waveforms are there and are OK, so my folders are working, or at least most of the time and I'm not changing any of that in the middle of the project. I get the clip name, but not even a straight line for a graphic. I have "display clips" checked under view options, and like I say, most of them are fine, but the wierdo's I can't figure out how to repair. Copies of the clip have the same prob as the originals. Gremlins?
Thanks again, scooterr