how do i mix down to a cd-burner?


New member

what cd-burner can someone recommend?

what kind should i buy?

is it a easy process to mix down to a cd-burner?

please some one help, thanx very much
Luth, I've noticed you making a lot of posts lately asking about very specific steps. That is good but I think you might be missing some basic principles in putting together your home studio.

What sources will you be recording, how many tracks, what quality is necessary, how much do you want to spend?

We can probably help you put together a simple system.
i dont mind the money,

i just want to learn how to mix down some tracks from my 4-track to where ever ,lol,

it could be a cassette recorder,

or anything, i just need to know what equipment i need and how
Your best bet would be getting a good Delta soundcard and some multitrack software.

You can mixdown your fourtrack stuff and use an internal CD burner to create your own CD's.

Once you are comfortable with the basics you can ditch the four track and record directly to the computer.

You need 3 essential things.
1. Clean mixer - Mackie, Soundcraft, or Behringer if want to be cheap. You can also use the 4track for starters but will notice a big difference with a decent mixer.

2. Sound Card - Any Delta card will give you good digital quality. A soundblaster will work fine to start off with but will only have 2 inputs.

3. Software- N-tracks, CoolEditPro are both good beginner programs.

And of course a CD burner in your computer. Those are the basic components that will get you making your own CD's in no time. (average learning curve will vary)
Also, if you just want to mix down to Cd, there are outboard CD burners that you can mix down to like you would a cassette deck. Tascam makes a few different models. I think I saw one in musicians friend for around $350 or so.

Not to detract from TexRoadkill's suggestions. That would be an excellent way to build a beginning recording rig. I have the stereo version of the Delta sound card: the Audiophile, and it sounds great. You couldn't possibly go wrong with any of the Delta line of soundcards.