How do i get this loop effect?

There are a lot of ways to achieve this effect. I would personally take the vocal sample and load it into a software sequencer (with a polyphony of 1). From there I would use my MIDI keyboard to trigger the sample each time I pushed a certain key. Using this method would allow for the quantization of MIDI notes, making the end result sound really tight like in your sample.
Why bother with all this MIDI/keyboard triggering stuff...?

In your DAW (Audition can do it) find the word/phrase you want to use....then cut/copy/paste as many times as you want the "stutter" effect. Just put the cut pieces one right after the other. You can play around with thir spacing for different timing effects, and/or also mix in a different word/pharse for even crazier sounding stuff.
I record with Adobe audition , I'd appreciate it thanks

Okay, well I couldn't find any super-good tutorials and since I don't use Audition I can't explain the process myself, but maybe this video will help. It talks about FL too, but it might help you figure out the basics.

YouTube - Basic Tutorial On Sampling with Adobe Audition and FL Pt. 1
YouTube - Basic Tutorial On Sampling with Adobe Audition and FL Pt. 2

Of course, you could always do what miroslav said and just copy and paste the sample if this turns out to be too complicated. I just thought going the MIDI route might make for a cleaner, tighter end result and could be a useful thing for you to learn as a producer.