how do i fix the vocals?????


New member
ok heres the thing,I record the instruments on my cubase SX program but i don't know how to even out the vocals.

in what way you ask,well if i look at the vocal track the peaks are all over the place,i once read how to even out all the peaks with some sort of compression so the vocals don't drown everything out when the singer yells or raises his voice but it keeps it at the same volume.

anybody understand what i'm talking about????

if you do please help.
You've got it. What you need is compression and it will help even out the vox. However, for real drastic changes in volume, ie. going from a whisper to a yell you may have to do some automation to make it sound acceptable. If the changes are very consistant in the performance like singing the verses and then all out screaming for choruses, I like to record the parts on seperate tracks so I have seperate control over the singing and screaming. You can get the same effect through automation, I just think it's easier to handle on seperate tracks.
After you've compressed a track, you cannot actually see it when you're looking at the track. The peaks will still be there as they were before. You do not physically change the track but put an effect on it. You should be able to hear the difference though. Keep in mind that you probably want some parts to actually sound louder than others, so you do not necessarilly need to compress the vocals a lot all the time.