How do I do this


New member
Using a DAW, how would I achieve the effect of a record, or reel to reel slowing to a stop, or the opposite?[Like the end of VAN HALEN'S "Take your whiskey home"]
Are there any DX plugins that could do this type of thing, or is it possible to do this in a sound editor such as sound forge?
Any help would be appreciated.
Wow, that is an interesting question...
I love the idea.
I am not certain of any pluggins right now, but I am working on it right now. I just wanted to let you know that we are not going to just let the topic die. I know you could just chop it into sections and slow them, but I think something in Cool Edit Pro could do it, I will check it out and let you konw.

After playing for just a small amt of time, I found that it is possible. I don't think this is the best possible to get it to sound like actual reel to reel slowage, but it will do a gradual slowing in Cool Edit Pro. If you have CEP check out the stretch optoin under transform. I am not sure about any direct X plugins. Hyperprism might have something like that. I should install that again and check.

If I was going to actually do it right, I would probably mix it to a tape with speed control on it and work with it that way, especially since I dig the analogue mixdown.

I will check on more DX plugins though.

Hey bro, thanks for your reply.
After messin with sound forge, I found an option under effects called pitch bend, this did the trick nicely.. for the slow to stop, I just highlighted the section that I wanted, tweaked the effect slightly, and finally added a strategic fade out etc.
The solution seems to have been right under my nose the whole time.
I was thinking that opcodes vinyl dx plugin would do this .
I tried it a few different ways. I used the slow down and pitch bend stragety, but to make it sound crappier, like the tape was slowly moving off the heads, I tried converting parts of the wav into sections that sounded like AM radio and then telephone and then all highs etc... It didn't work as well as I would have hoped. I want to check out that vinyl pluggin, I have never heard of it.

If anyone figures out how to do the ending of the song Catapult by Counting Crows... Let me know. I love that ending, I think he is using a tape delay of some sort.
