How do I change a whole selections velocity?


New member
I'm using Nuendo and I've recorded a drum track using Midi. Now I go into the piano edit window and I'm looking at my snare and I had some situations where I didn't hit it as hard and id like to adjust it to a higher velocity which would make it play back louder using Battery and some samples. So I'm wondering. Can I select a whole line in Midi (say C#1(snare note) and then adjust the velocity of everything I've selected the the setting I want? I've tried selecting everything and I adjust the velocity and then when i unclick and check individual velocity's they havent changed instead of all being like a 120 or whatever I tried telling them all to be. Can this not be done? Thanks.

I bet Nuendo can do that (it better be able to for the price the charge). SONAR uses a scheme called filters, if I recall. You can set up all kinds of edits that you can apply through the artful use of the filters (really just rules for restricting the scope of the MIDI data to be edited).
to add to that....but I dont know Nuendo

In Logic you go to event list or Matrix editor which displays all notes and position. You select the snare note as example and then select all equal notes. You then bring the volume up on those notes 0-127.
Im quite sure you have that feature but perhaps another way of getting to it or different menu's than logic and Sonar.
changing multiple velocities

Hi, have you found the solution it yet?

I had the same problem. You want to adjust the velocity of a bunch of notes but keep the velocitydifferences between the notes right?

You can at least select the notes, go to the menu "midi" ,=> functions => velocity....

there you can set the amount. (add & substract, so you add velocity 2 the whole selection and the difference stays intaKt.)

It's kind of a crap-solution, not so great 4 your work-flow...-all this browsing-

So if anyone has a better solution, keep me posted. thanx!