how do I approach a club?

Excellent repy by Cloneboy,,
just want to reiterate going to see the right person yourself....
and as most musicians play because they love it, they are NOT
buisnessmen and WE DO UNDERSELL ourselves....

Call and make an appointment to see the owner or the club buyer. Before you do you must understand one very important thing about the nightclub and restaurant business They couldn’t give a rats ass about you or your band what you look like how well you play guitar if you smell nice all they want to know is how are going to make them money. How much beer can you sell? Its all a numbers game you take the style of music multiply by number of people take away one third for cost of sale and what’s left over is operating costs, overhead and profit.
So you play classic rock which generally sells a good amount of beer…….$20 per person x 150 people - $1000.00 and the bar is left with $2,000.00 ( keep min mind some people will drink $10 and others might drink $30.00 )
Metal is good , Rock is good, Blues is great , Jazz in weak, Country depending on where in the country you are could go either way, Dance is generally weak unless you are a campus bar.
Now the real math ….15 min = 3 songs = 1 beer. In today’s society is all you get to make an impression on everyone in that entire room and that rotates every 15 min. That is all the time you have to convince people to stay in that place and spend their hard earned money.
Back to the topic of how you sell yourself to the club:

1:Come up with a plan of papering the town with posters
2:Offer to help pay for a small ad in the local paper. ( if you do well this is a one time offer )
3:Tell them you will get tickets made and will sell them and work for whatever you can sell
4:Get a benefit to sponsor an event, supply prizes and use your band for entertainment
5:Go for a bigger marquee sell you band along with three others and make it more of a festival style show ( now you have 20 people to do a grounds root campaign )
6:Get tickets made with a cover of $5.00 on them and give away 400 tickets. People are more likely to come if they perceive the tickets have value. Even if you can get 30% to come out that’s still 120 people.