How Did You Get It?:cool:


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How Did You Get It?

Many of us have "That Story" about how we picked up, we're given, fell into a deal, or had some dude offer us something that was so hot we needed shades just to peek at it piece of music equiptment...

Here's mine...(not expensive but special to me)

A buddy of mine was moving (getting married) so he asked me to help him and I did. At the end of the day we had to go to his mini-storage to get the rest of his stuff...anyway...At the time (around 1994) I had been playing guitar for about 8 years, mostly we get to THE VERY back of his storage room and theres a guitar case that USED TO BE black, it has duck tape on the handle and edges, skid marks like it had been thrown off the back of a truck on the freeway, several times...

When I saw it, I said, "Hey man, I didn't know you played guitar?" "I don't" my friend answered back..."Then what's this?, I said...

I opened the beaten and bruised case and inside was a BEAUTIFUL 12 string E/A Takamine...The electronics were missing but it was just one of those moments that only musicians

At about that time, my buddy says, "Oh you can take that home with you!"...

I was like, "dude fix this up and learn how to play it! What's wrong with you??? He then goes on to say that one day, he was at his office (Youth Pastor) and some lady he had never met before came by and said, "God told me to give this to you..." For over a year it just sat in the corner of his office and finally about a year before this he took it home and finally into the storage room...

He then says, "If you don't take it home I'm just gonne give it away to one of the punk kids in the youth group anyway so it will just be your loss..."

Well then...since you put it that way!

Since then I've added a nice Baggs pickup and fishman electronics, a bridge Dr. and anytime someone see's it they always fall in love with's nothing glamorous it just draws you in...12 strings are kinda like

Funny thing about this guitar too...It was made in Jan of 1980. It has the OLD FONT style that is dead on just like Martin's...they call these the "lawsuit guitars" because Takamine was sued by Martin for logo infringement and had to change it to the large FONT that goes across almost the entire headstock now...

...That's my how'd you get yours?

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1968 Epiphone acoustic, perfect condition... with the exception that it needs to have the fretboard planed and re-fretted. My aunt's boyfriend got it when he was young, so he could play along with his beatles albums. He got into the airforce and lost interest. It sat in a part of the room where the sunlight baked in every day, so the neck's a little warped (it still works, it's just dead above the 11th fret). It's the coolest thing in the world though. One day he heard one of the songs I was working on, and he just gave it to me. He walked in with this old case and said "I know you'll actually use this, and I know how you take care of your guitars..." :D :eek: :D

You can literally smell the age (in a good way) of the wood that it was built with. On top of that, he still had the original paperwork that states that it was built in Kalamazoo, MI. Saweeet!!! :D It is not worth much, I got it informally "appraised" by one of the local yokel mom-n-pop music shops where they specialize in 'vintage' gear. The guy said it would only be worth about $600-700... BUT, it's still the pride and joy of my collection.
:D :cool: :D
1972 at Town and Country music store in Fenton, Missouri. I was a teenager and had recently learned what a Martin was. They had an old beat up martin hanging on the wall with a price tag of $150. I saved two paychecks and went in and plopped the money on the counter. It was a 1955 000-18. I still have this guitar (amoung MANY more) and play it everyday. I have to believe it's worth a bit more than $150 now.
Couple of years ago a friend from work was leaving Australia to go back to New Zealand and I went round to his place to see him before he went. He gave me Samick electric and an acoustic of dubious origin but with a nice tone. I did the frets on the electric put some Bill Lawrence H/B's on it and it plays and sounds really good.
I don't have one of my own, but my friend does:

About the time we graduated from high school in '94, his aunt shows up from California. Her husband had passed away a while back, and used to play guitar. So she's had this guitar inher attic for who knows how long. She gives it to my friend since we were both into guitar at the time. Well not too long ago we finally took interest in what the guitar was. Turns out its a vintage 1960 Gibson ES-330 (I think I got that right...the hollowbody, not the semi-hollow ES-335). Tobacco sunburst finish, the only non-original parts are some Schaller tuners. Freakin' wow, what a nice freebie!

And I've been jealous ever since ;)
Tadpui said:
I don't have one of my own, but my friend does:

About the time we graduated from high school in '94, his aunt shows up from California. Her husband had passed away a while back, and used to play guitar. So she's had this guitar inher attic for who knows how long. She gives it to my friend since we were both into guitar at the time. Well not too long ago we finally took interest in what the guitar was. Turns out its a vintage 1960 Gibson ES-330 (I think I got that right...the hollowbody, not the semi-hollow ES-335). Tobacco sunburst finish, the only non-original parts are some Schaller tuners. Freakin' wow, what a nice freebie!

And I've been jealous ever since ;)

Man...see people just don't know what they have sitting up there in those attics...
My uncle bought a house and contents that belonged to an old lady that collected tons of old stuff in PA. He found tons of old really nice stuff that he sold on ebay and through the newspaper.....and he also found a 1956 Fender Bassman Dual Rectifier (4x10) and a 1958? Fender Duosonic. I told him I was interested in the amp, and he told me if I got him a good price on the guitar I could have it. Sooo....I sold the guitar for 1300 for him and was the proud owner of the Bassman. It sounds incredible and is worth alot if I ever decide I want to sell it to a collector.
My Maternal Grandfather died in 1979, 3 years before I was born. In the late 1990's, my grandmother lost the ability to climb the ladder to get into her attic so she asked my mother and I to go up there and look for something (a hat, or something...) anyways, I found an old guitar case, opened it and discovered a guitar, which was my grandfather's. I asked my mom and gram about it; they said it was from the late 1940's/early 1950's; so now I'm the proud owner of a 1940's Oliver acoustic (you may note that Oliver, as I understand, was bought out by Martin in years later). :D :cool:

About 6 years ago, I had just met my girlfriend (still with her to this day) One day, I was checking out this Black Ibanez in the store front of a local shop (through the window) so the next day I went down to check it out. It's an RG170, nothing major, but a nice playing, smooth sounding guitar. At the time, it was like 300 bucks and this was my first time playing with a Dunlop Crybaby too, so I immediatly put the two on Layaway with the shop and they tucked them away downstairs. Later that day I was telling my g/f about it and not much more was said. About a week later, she showed up to pick me up from work, and in the backseat was my guitar and crybaby pedal. She had gone in, unbeknownst to me, paid the remaining balance (I had only put 75 bucks down on it) talk about a surprise! Needless to say, I've been wrapped around her finger ever since.

Years before this, I was in my long hair phase as a teenager, and my dad HATED it with a passion. I was 14 at the time, and had been eyeing this Squire Strat Bullet in town. Again, nothing major, but I couldn't put this thing down when I went to the shop. One day my dad came home from work, and asked when I was getting my haircut, I told him the day he bought me the white squire strat is the day I would shave my head. Without missing a beat he tossed a pair of clippers to me and I shaved my head on the spot. We hopped in the car and he bought me my guitar. It's been through hell and back since, and I just had it redone last week and it's still, to this day my favorite guitar.
Creamyapples1 said:
About 6 years ago, I had just met my girlfriend (still with her to this day) One day, I was checking out this Black Ibanez in the store front of a local shop (through the window) so the next day I went down to check it out. It's an RG170, nothing major, but a nice playing, smooth sounding guitar. At the time, it was like 300 bucks and this was my first time playing with a Dunlop Crybaby too, so I immediatly put the two on Layaway with the shop and they tucked them away downstairs. Later that day I was telling my g/f about it and not much more was said. About a week later, she showed up to pick me up from work, and in the backseat was my guitar and crybaby pedal. She had gone in, unbeknownst to me, paid the remaining balance (I had only put 75 bucks down on it) talk about a surprise! Needless to say, I've been wrapped around her finger ever since.
Same thing happened with my ex... I put the required 20% down on a Gibson ES-135 that I couldn't keep my hands off of. She always went to Guitar Center with me to "make sure I didn't go crazy", and was pissed when I put the money down on it. Not even a week later, she comes over and she had the guitar in case in the back seat. She paid the remaining 800 or so bucks for it, and even spent extra on the case (I think). Needless to say, we are (I am ;) ) trying to work through our issues and get back together...
astoebe said:
My uncle bought a house and contents that belonged to an old lady that collected tons of old stuff in PA. He found tons of old really nice stuff that he sold on ebay and through the newspaper.....and he also found a 1956 Fender Bassman Dual Rectifier (4x10) and a 1958? Fender Duosonic. I told him I was interested in the amp, and he told me if I got him a good price on the guitar I could have it. Sooo....I sold the guitar for 1300 for him and was the proud owner of the Bassman. It sounds incredible and is worth alot if I ever decide I want to sell it to a collector.
Get the capacitors checked out, if it had been sitting unused they could be dry and could cause many bucks worth of damage.