how can i improve my web site?

I don't have any problems with it. I don't know that there is such a thing as "not enough graphics". Graphics are good, and add to a site's overall feel, but they aren't necessary and if you overdo them it can be a bad thing.

I think the style of the site seems to be appropriate for your band. Maybe if you were signed to a big label and getting a lot of exposure, you might want more interactivity, but at this level there's just not enough visitors to "need" more. If you did more, you should only do it if its for your own fun.

one thing: in the main header graphic it says "the official home site". That term sounds wierd. Most people say "site", "website" or "homepage". I personally would go with "the official website". Not really a make-or-break though.
not bad at all.........if it were me, i would lighten up some of the colors to provide more's very dark (color-wise)....and it seems like tons of bands have pure black websites