How can I get someone to listen???


New member
It seems as though only about 10% of the viewers of these posts actually listen and provide feedback. I recently posted a few songs for the first time and am very dissappointed in the lack of responses.

I don't get the impression this forum is worth the time if noone is going to bother to listen. I would be curious to find out what the average age is of the members and their objectives for home recording (demo, fun, part-time income, etc.)

I think it is important that we all help each other with our knowledge and experience, and I am not seeing that kind of commitment on this forum.

What gives?
the reason I did not listen to your music is that you had 2 posts. TWO posts. come on, give me a break. I would not be surprised if you posted the link on about 3-4 different message boards that same day.

I like listening to the work of people I know. Help them improve,.and posts by strangers take up bandwidth and space

I am not knocking you. I think you did it in ignorance. will listen when you have about 50 posts, when you become a true member of the family.
ajgrossman said:
I think it is important that we all help each other with our knowledge and experience, and I am not seeing that kind of commitment on this forum.
You're obviously very new around here to say something like that... there are a number of top pros who contribute here regularly, and the site is lucky to have their resources....

Being new your ignorance is still forgiveable, but if I were you, I hang around and get a feel for this place before you start condemning it.

I, for one, would like to listen and critque (and compare) more than I do. However, with a 56K modem (that never connects higher than 28.8) I just don't have the bandwidth for the downloads.

Cable modem someday - maybe when I stop spending all my freakin' money on recording gear.

However, Bruce's comments are correct. Become a "member" of the community before you start complaining. Make a contribution before expecting something in return. I think you'll find that when you give, you'll get.
I understand where you are coming from. I guess I am old fashioned in that respect, thinking that I don't always have to "get" something first in order to give. I give a lot of myself every day of my life without expecting something in return first.

I help people in many ways for the satisfaction I do get in return, but I don't expect to get the satisfaction first before I give. I guess this is like "conditional love"...I will love you if you love me first...doesn't work in my book.

Ok Ok...I will get off my soap box. I understand the game here. give give give, and then I can expect something in return someday. If those are the rules, fine, I can play.

Thanks for clueing the "newbie" in on the world according to this forum. So that I do know what to expect, how many posts do I need before I can expect something in return?? ...or is this a subjective number?
dude just post a link ... this modem I have is shit ... but I'm just sitting in my hotel room anyway.
I find that it's good if you post details of your recording with your link as well as specific questions to help guide responses. That will get you more responses, I guarantee.
I try to listen to other people's stuff whenever I get the chance. No prequesites necessary. I just don't get many chances ... this is the first I've really even been able to log onto for weeks ... and I'm stuck on this shit connection. :(
I'll look for your posts, though.
Big K is on to something here re: how to post a review request in the clinic. But you have to remember that even on a fast connection where it's easy to grab more tunes than you can possibly listen to, reviewing someone's stuff is WORK, even if you love the style of music that they're posting. I know I listen hard to the stuff I D/L; as closely as I'd want my stuff heard.
Only so many hours in a day and I've gotta get other work out on this machine. I'm sure others are in the same boat. Especially sjoko2- he's on a boat and doesn't know when he'll be back a-shure. :)
heh, I heard that doc! :)
not including this CD-demo I've been doing off and on for this band for the last couple months ... I have 4 jobs! eeechch... Spreading myself way too thin. It's painful. The only R&R I get is when I go on the road for the "main" job.
There's something to be said for Bruce's point, though ...
when this band finally joins the 21st century ... I hope they'll give me permission to post an mp3 on here. I think I'm getting the best drum sound for them than I have in years ... lucky bastards. But, you see, I feel the need to post my lame thoughts of other people's mixes in order to get some response to whatever I post. It's not really a 'newbie' thing.
BTW ... I got some original stuff cooking again (finally) ... so I hope to have that on here soon too.
If only I can quit at least 2 of my other jobs, first. :(