How can I achieve this sound?


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Guitar Sample 1.mp3 - 0.30MB
Guitar Sample 2.mp3 - 0.28MB

I love this type of distortion or whatever effects this guy is using. I have no clue what it is though. I don't like recording guitar through conventional amps to mics, so I'm going along a more 'simulated' route. Plugging the guitar directly into a program sort of thing.

Any help please? I'd love to know how to achieve that sound with whatever programs are out there, freeware or not.
You know, I pay $5 a month for my own domain and web space simply so I don't have to rely on sites like that to host files. I only downloaded and listened to the first clip since downloading it was such a pain in the ass that I couldn't be bothered to do it again...

I'm really not a fan of direct guitar, and 99% of the time, I'd now be telling you to suck it up and spend the timelearning how to mic an amp. However, you seem to have hit the one exception - industrial guitar that's really more at the edge of noise than anything else.

What it SOUNDS like is happening is the guitar is being run through an amp sim, and then through some sort of "distortion" plugin that's worthless for anything save adding noise to a signal.

So, try this - dial up a "good" sounding distortion patch from whatever modeler you're working with. Try something in the recent Marshall-y school of sound, a JCM800, JCM900, Bogner Exctacy, something like that. Max out the gain, and run a noise gate before impact so you get that wall of fizz sound that starts and stops on a dime. Err more on the side of impact and attack than deep chunk, for EQ'ing. Then, record your part. Normally I'd say double track it for that lush wall of guitar sound, but for what you're trying to do, that might not be beneficial.

Then, open some sort of "distortion" plugin on the track. I was screwing with the one in Sony's Sound Forge... Screw with it until your tone is fucked up to taste.

It's the combination of a "normal" guitar sound, plus very un-musical clipping "distortion" that you seem to be after. You could also simply just track way too hot and intentionally clip your signal, but this is probably easier to get the guitar JUST fucked up enough.
I wonder if a fuzz pedal, with its square-wave kinds of distortion, would help achieve that sound? Its definitely distorted all to hell. It sounds direct to me, like either a modeller or just straight to a board, maybe through a couple of pedals to mangle it beyond all recognition.
I wonder if a fuzz pedal, with its square-wave kinds of distortion, would help achieve that sound? Its definitely distorted all to hell. It sounds direct to me, like either a modeller or just straight to a board, maybe through a couple of pedals to mangle it beyond all recognition.
Good ear. You're dead on. I found some old forum posts by the guy who made the music, and this is basically what he said.

The guitar pedal was a hyper fuzz one. From there we go into the Focusrite preamp. I record the guitars through a Focusrite preamp and then to the computer. I then ran them through Kyma and later messed with them in Cubase. As you can hear i like to chop up the attack and release! It kinda gives it that mechanical, staccato sound.

Thats pretty much it. The kyma editing was not too much. I just wanted to make it half real half synthy.
The guitar pedal was a hyper fuzz one. From there we go into the Focusrite preamp. I record the guitars through a Focusrite preamp and then to the computer. I then ran them through Kyma and later messed with them in Cubase. As you can hear i like to chop up the attack and release! It kinda gives it that mechanical, staccato sound.

Thats pretty much it. The kyma editing was not too much. I just wanted to make it half real half synthy.

That's a very polite description for it.

First, quit using that site immediately. I hate it when I go to a site and the first thing it does is add 4 cookies and 5 temp files, including a fake error log in my temp internet folder. then when I close it another window opens in its place, with an ad click thru window. Gee thanks...... :mad: :mad: :mad:

if you have been using that site yourself, and you are not employed by them, then you need to immediately run a scan for spyware removal and anti-virus. sites like that should be shot on sight....

I cant comprehend why anyone would deliberately make their guitar sound like that. Why not just crank the pre gain up all the way, then pound on the spring reverb tank with a rubber mallet..... same thing.....
It sounds more like a over compressed metal distortion stomp box to me
but we can speculate all we want to and be no where close to what is actually being put through the effects chain or where it is set in order to achieve that effect.
best advise i can give is experiment around with youree effects until you get the sound you want.
yeh dude, most of the time you should mic an amp, when u know how to do it it catches the real feel ogf the guitar and is alot more natural sounding than if its straight in, i refuse to play straight in when i play live, dont like it.
yeh dude, most of the time you should mic an amp, when u know how to do it it catches the real feel ogf the guitar and is alot more natural sounding than if its straight in, i refuse to play straight in when i play live, dont like it.
argumentatively not the real feel of the guitar but the viberation of the miked driver.
Besides that sound is very digital sounding so why should you have to mic that?

we are now ampless and IEM's live now and sounds better than ever.:cool:

EDIT: I have found that you can DI clean and re-amp for just as good results. also argumentative,YOMV.
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First, quit using that site immediately. I hate it when I go to a site and the first thing it does is add 4 cookies and 5 temp files, including a fake error log in my temp internet folder. then when I close it another window opens in its place, with an ad click thru window. Gee thanks...... :mad: :mad: :mad:
My bad, it was one of the first sites I found that could stream audio. I don't get why you had to download it? It just plays on the page that I linked you to. Anyway.

I cant comprehend why anyone would deliberately make their guitar sound like that. Why not just crank the pre gain up all the way, then pound on the spring reverb tank with a rubber mallet..... same thing.....
I've actually been looking for that type of sound in a guitar for a long time. You probably aren't into Industrial, thus you don't like that type of distortion. I like very machine-like sounds. Think Nine Inch Nails.
am i missing the point?

Good ear. You're dead on. I found some old forum posts by the guy who made the music, and this is basically what he said.

The guitar pedal was a hyper fuzz one. From there we go into the Focusrite preamp. I record the guitars through a Focusrite preamp and then to the computer. I then ran them through Kyma and later messed with them in Cubase. As you can hear i like to chop up the attack and release! It kinda gives it that mechanical, staccato sound.

Thats pretty much it. The kyma editing was not too much. I just wanted to make it half real half synthy.

If you found a post telling you "how to achieve the sound" that you want to, then why are you asking us how? seems to me you should just copy what the dude who did it did. but i may be missing something....
If you found a post telling you "how to achieve the sound" that you want to, then why are you asking us how? seems to me you should just copy what the dude who did it did. but i may be missing something....
No, I found that post AFTER I made the topic. Now that I know, I'll be buying that Fuzz pedal. :)
I've actually been looking for that type of sound in a guitar for a long time. You probably aren't into Industrial, thus you don't like that type of distortion. I like very machine-like sounds. Think Nine Inch Nails.

It's just a phase you are going thru....... been there, done that. This too shall pass.... :D