Horses of Sable Island

My latest instrumental. Not sure where this fits category-wise: probably instrumental/mood piece. Inspired by a CBC documentary on wild horses which live on an island on Canadas East coast. Mostly guitar based - acoustic, electric, mandolin, lap steel. I'd appreciate any feedback.

Nice! Moody, emotional piece... I think the main acoustic guitar is fighting for space a tiny bit in the mix, and the electric that led off is a little bit edgy sounding... Love the moaning distorted guitar (is that the lap steel distorted, or regular guitar with slide?) I wonder if it wouldn't sit more soundly in its pocket if the bass were a sustained bowed acoustic sound... just a thought. The end is a tad abrupt. I'd consider returning to the acoustic picking groove and fade it... Overall, lovely piece, good work!!
Yea man....

thanks for making me more homesick. . . . . . :(

great tune. I can feel it. From a bluenosers POV you captured the feel of the Atlantic pretty well.

Rep coming your way bro....
This is great!!! Very 70s!!! Sounds like the Eagles or Doobies could have done something like this!!! I like this!!! Love the lap steel!!! I need one of those!!! Listening on PC speakers ...sounds a little bottom heavy here but might be my system!!! ALL the guitars sound GREAT!!! Share your technique please!!!
This is COOL!
I don't know anything about mixing accoustics but the mix sounded fine to me.

Nice tune, liked it a lot