

New member
I just wanted to know where I could get some decent horn samples. Not necessarily a full brass band thing, but decent trumpet, french horns, trombone, saxamaphone, etc.

If you know of any free ones that would rule, but I'll take recommendations for anything.

Oh, I use Logic with the EXS24 sampler.

Thanks a lot.
Here's a --- LINK --- to a the first think that popped up on Google from my search for 'Horn Samples'.

Google is your friend.

Do not be afraid to take advantage your friends' willingness to help.

Chris hien horns is great, sounds awesome and comes with kontakt.
Linplug Sax has the best Sax, Flute sound I have heard and its cheap.
Halion said:
What a pretty useless answer :s
It's what I do, and nothing sounds better.

After all, this *is* homeRECORDING.com.

You could raid a high-shool or college nearby for talent willing to work just for the exposure. You all win! And in the end, you get sound that only YOU have.