Hooking Up Rnc Compressor


New member
Hi. First off, I just wanna say that I am aware that I know absolutely nothing about recording. You will see what I mean.

I just purchased an RNC compressor and I'm having a hard time hooking it up to the Tascam 2488. I'm trying to record vocals for now. When I say that I know nothing about recording, I mean that I know a microphone needs to be plugged in to record vocals and my knowledge ends there. Things will have to be explained to me in the most basic of terms.

I appreciate anyones help.
hEY Justin-M::D

Welcome to the confusion of recording. However, you have bought a nice little chunk of gear, RNC compressor.

There are many ways to use this little box--I usually use the "NICE" compressor setting WHEN I need to use the box.

You can start by running your mic from a mic pre amp into the RNC and then out of the RNC to your recorder. See what happens to vocals. See what happens to guitar, etc.

Check out use of compressors, a little bit at a time, on this site and other net sites.

Most of all, have fun as music is fun.

Green Hornet:cool:
Thanks for answering my question. I really appreciate any sort of help. I had that part firgured out somewhat, but I really don't know what hook-ups to use into what inputs or outputs. The compressor didn't come with much of a manual. I thought their website would help me, but I really need it to be explained in the most basic terms. This is really very new to me.
Southside Glen has a link to some really usefull stuff about compression in his signature :)

Just find a post by him and click the link at the bottom
:DYo Justin-M:]

To quote "THE BEAR," "There are INS and OUTS; thus, what goes in, must come out somewhere and, perhaps go in and out again."

I'm paraphrasing Bear's words a bit.

BLUE BEAR that is.

Example: I run a mic IN to the IN of a mic pre; I take the mic pre out and run that to the IN of the RNC; then, I use another cable and run the OUT of the RNC into my DAW or into an outboard reverb unit or into my girlfriend's nose for a human reverb.

Remember: What goes in, must come out.

Green Hornet:cool: