Hooking up external effects to my 2488 neo


New member
Hi everyone,

I am a old newbee that is just getting into the digital age. I just purchased a Tascam 2488 neo and have some how-to questions concerning using external effects, on my recorded tracks. I cabled the effect sends to the left input of my M-One Magic and out left from there to input E on the 2488. I have a couple of questions here before I go any further.
1: Is it ok to route the cable to an already recorded channel? If not should I go to an open channel?
2: After the first question is answered, what steps do I take from there to get my processor to affect my recorded channels?
3: Do I control the ammount of effects with the fader that my processer send is cabled to.

I greatly appreciate any input form you nice people.(I'm sure there will be a lot more questions, because this thing is pretty confusing at first glance)

Thanks Jer-Bear