Hook It Up...


New member
Hi. I,ve been trying to think of more efficient ways to route my gear so I decided to let you guys take a crack at it. Tell me how you would hook it up. Gear: RME Multiface 2 (8i/o interface) Eureka mic pre, Focusrite compressor, DBX subharmonic synth. OK that is my effect line etc. I also have 2 synths and hardware sampler to hook up. Be advised I do have a Patchbay. So 3 effect units, 3 hardware modules into 8 ins and outs. Also have a mackie big knob. This is all running into cubase sx 3 btw. Thanks.
I would patch the Eureka direct into one input of the RME.

I would patch a pair of outputs from the RME to the Mackie direct.

Everything else I would route through the patchbay and patch as needed.
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