Honest thought on this songs vocals...

I dig it, I was honestly expecting less, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Cool vibe you got going on there.
I like it too! It's very different and that's what makes it special. Also, you have a nice voice and the beat was cool... :-D Great job!
Three links to get to the song - annoying - go fix all your posts.... :D

The singing is great - good take.
The voice sometimes reminds me of Damon Albarn. The only thing that bugs me is when too many of the lines end in a descending note. Hold the note! It's no biggie, but when done over and over it starts to sound like the singer just gives up on singing the note. haha
He has a nice style. Like DogmaticVox said, try to hold the note a little more. Other than that, well done.
Very nice.
If you narrow the stereo width and increase the reverb as you fade out you could probably create the illusion of distance/motion.
Maybe you already did that, I'm just listening on the family PC.
"cant make things right" @ 1:15 makes my ocd freak out. Just a bit late. Move that and I got thumbs up. :) Like Dogs suggestion too.