Homerecording with Sonar 2.0 XL

Mr. Ins@ne

New member
For all those who doubt the capabilities of Sonar XL or just never thought you could get a professional production just with this kind of software, please check this - totally home made - recording. This was done with few "real" equipment. And I might tell you all the gear I used, but the main thing was all software and plug-ins. It sounds like to real thing to me.

Check it out at: www.spiralsektor.com/sounds.html

Rem@in Ins@ne

P.s.: By the way, I used a Pentium III 866 with less than 400 mbs of ram. It sucks I know, but even though, the sound speaks for itself.
This really belong in the "MP3 Mixing Clinic". It's a forum on this BBS. ;)
Mr. Ins@ne said:
For all those who doubt the capabilities of Sonar XL or just never thought you could get a professional production just with this kind of software...

No offense, but NONE of us ever doubt it here :)


All Cool Kids Use Sonar ©

moskus were right... you should post it in MP3 mixing clinic just below this Cakewalk Forum.

Mr. Ins@ne said:
P.s.: By the way, I used a Pentium III 866 with less than 400 mbs of ram. It sucks I know, but even though, the sound speaks for itself.

But you still need to have good A/D converters... that is where the true sound comes from, not just the processing.

Re: Re: Homerecording with Sonar 2.0 XL

Porter said:
But you still need to have good A/D converters... that is where the true sound comes from
Maybe... :rolleyes:

But I would say that mics and pre.amps are even more important, maybe... ;)
Nah, its the room! The room, I tell you! You won't get a good sound without a good room! All you home rec'ers are fooling yourselves!

Sorry. Couldn't resist. :D

And this post does belong in the mixing clinic, technically. That's the place to strut your stuff. Er, well, a better place to strut than here. Too much strutting in general can get annoying.

Take care,
I went to your site. Looks nice. I'll check out some music when I get home. We have dial up here at work.
What about us ?

Work = Studio & Stage...

Naaah, I won't perform there...

Why ? their stage is cool and they pay you well...

They got only DIAL UP. I want DSL on my stage...

:D :D :D