Home Studio sound quality


New member
Hello all. I did some recording on my fostex home studio and am pretty impressed with the sound quality. I did have to have it mastered to bring it up to a normal volume. Check it out on my site if u like, i would love any feedback! hear it on ....


only the second song ( about your love ) was recorded at home. The others were at a pro studio. I think the home studio was definitely the better investment. The only thing thats noticeable better are the drums b/c i didnt have enuff mics at the time. give a listen and let me know what u think. thanx!!
Hey J,

All three songs sounded good on my crap speakers here. Mother sounded like it had a touch too much reverb, About Your Love is a great song but wasn't as tight as the other two. There were places that seemed untogether and out of timing but the sound was good. I agree the drums sounded much better on the studio recordings. Good job!
Cool sound man!

I myself am still a newb so I can't really comment....but what I hear...

Nice Vocal sound
Overall a nice groovin' sound
Levels need to come up.....

thanx so much for the feed back. I know the second song isnt as good. I am just trying to get a feel for how much worse it is. B/c the studio stuff was quite expensive, and the home recording... well is done at home! :) thanx again for all the feedback!
Hey great stuff man, I like the vox, they're great. There is a big difference between the mother song and the about your love song. It doesn't sound bad though. I agree that the song could be tighter. I'm still a newbie but i noticed the difference. Keep up the good work.

Plaay until you die. It's the only legal outlet from the everyday.
Oh, one thing you have to your advantage is that you can record at home and try to redo those studio tunes (mother) at home. I'm sure this would speed up the learning curve.

Plaay until you die. It's the only legal outlet from the everyday.
All three songs are good. The second one was the best recording. Too much reverb on the the other two. With some more experience and some good mics you'll be able to make better recordings at home than in that studio. Keep it up!
a general tip - Track your vocals and guitars at home. Do the drums and mix in the pro studio. Then you can get the best of both worlds.
drums at home

i was talking to a guy at a studio about doin the drums there. he said alot of people actually do that. but the only problem with that is that it is gonna be a pain b/c i will have to lay down a scratch guitar track to keep me in time. i really dont like using clicks. and that means more time in the studio. And i like to lay down drums first. problems problems....... :)

thanx again. keep em comin
One of the best home studio sounds I've ever heard was Foo Fighters " There's Nothing Left To Lose ". That was recorded in Dave's basement.