Home Studio set up from scratch..


New member
Hi guys, I'm looking to set up a budget home studio for recording my bands stuff - we play power metal, like Dragonforce, Iced Earth, Blind Guardian, etc so quality heavy guitar sound is of paramount importance!!

ANy tips would be a great help...

My main question is, which is the best way to connect a mixer to a PC, and have each track come up in Cubase as a single track from the mixer? I've been looking into it and found these ways...

Analogue Mixer, cable from each output to a soundcard with many inputs (need ridiculous soundcard)?

Digital Mixer with Firewire out -> Firewire in (is this the best, seems too easy lol).

Thanks guys!

How much do you plan on speding?

You can get digital mixers with a firewire out like the mackie onyx. If you wanted to wait a little more and save more $$ you could get this http://www.toftaudiodesigns.com/atb.html It looks like it'll be a pretty nice deal.

It depends on how many channels you want to record at a time.

If you want a good sound card that you can expand I'd look into this http://www.motu.com/products/motuaudio/828/body.html/en

It has 2 preamps (mic inputs) on it and 8 line level inputs(to run from external preamps) plus 8 ADAT channels.
TBh, as little as I possibly can at the moment - it's really just for our demo and first recording - doesn't need uber pro quality... The hardest thing to rec. will be the drum kit I imagine - our drummer has an Alesis SR-16 which we might consider using depending on the kind of quality we can get out of it (might be worht it for ease of recording).

Just a cheap Behringer mixer would probably do, this looks pretty good except it has no firewire interface:


So I'm not entired sure how I could connect it to my PC so that each mixer track records as a track in Cubase, is the TIF thing a method of doing this if you have a TIF input for your puter? Obv you need 2 TIF plugs to use all 16 channels though. Or is it easier just to connect each line out for each channel to a line in (eg a soundcard with 8 line-ins) or something?

Mackie Onyx looks totally idea but probably a bit too expensive for us. Basically prob just need 8 channel mixer I'd reckon with an easy PC connectivity?

What about the Alesis MultiMix, any use?:



That soundcard looks pretty good actually, but I'd rather either go with a Mixer OR Soundcard for inputs! Phew.... anyway we are getting there... other things looking for...

Umm Mics, and a good (but cheap) set of Studio Monitors! Prob get a dynamic and a condeser (and maybe more?) for recording a nice thick guitar sound... I would recording each instrument seperately so don't need a huge amount of mics!

THanks for the help :)
oh my god that thing kicks ass!! Almost perfect what I need, you are indeed the man

I tip my hat to you sire!