home studio - security?

Ahemmmm...Ya know aluminum bats rarely break.... I am on the same page with ya on the "Be Prepared"

I only have a shotgun, it is in my bedroom, the shells are not in it but in a drawer close by...There is 32" Louisville slugger beside my night stand and a nice Aluminum one on the wife's side. I also keep one in the garage and in the studio and know exactly where they are..in case of emergency.

A bat is definitely a deadly weapon when used upon the head and will bust a knee and put a bad guy on the ground with one quick swing.
I know aluminum bats rarely break, but have you ever swung a piece of seasoned hickory??? It's pretty damn hard to break too, & I don't think a skull or knee would break it myself...

Where I live, in the event of such an emergency, it'd take the cops at least 40 mins to arrive, if they even come at all, so I'll do what I gotta to make sure my end is taken care of...the "be prepared" hits the nail on the head, this used to be a really nice, quiet place to live, but in recent years, it's went to hell with the rest of the world...

Back to the OP, I wouldn't invite anyone I personally didn't know to my home, YMMV...
Honestly, my feeling about this whole situation, given the article, picture, and LIMITED knowledge is privileged art-school girl with rich pops makes big mistake with baaad boyfriend and now will be over-scrutinized by uptight straights and have all kinds of negative internet shit out there easily searchable, including this thread, for the rest of her life. Mob justice has been and will continue to be served.

But all that aside, I think for me, the #1 drug abuser I would not want around *my* shit is the boozer (broken equipment, falling, lawsuit, all-around stupidity, etc), followed closely by the cokehead (nothing gets done, shit gets stolen, and honestly, the stuff just creeps me out- waaaay more than smack). Meth would probably figure in there somewhere, but it's not that common up here in the northeast. Not sure I've ever even met a meth head.
Meth heads get shit done. It might not be any good, but they'll record a whole album at one time, no problem.

I agree about drunks. They are the worst on all fronts, from all angles. I'll take a junkie any day over a typical drunk.
Meth heads get shit done. It might not be any good, but they'll record a whole album at one time, no problem.

I agree about drunks. They are the worst on all fronts, from all angles. I'll take a junkie any day over a typical drunk.

Yup, and by drunk I mean a *real* drunk, not some guy having a few beers.

And I guess by cokehead I meant someone who's smoking it daily, because there are a lot of weekend coke warriors who keep it together. But once you're smoking a lot of freebase/rock, there's a good chance you actually surpass the boozer in terms of scumbagosity.
I used to play with a cokehead drummer. Like regular sniff it up coke. We'd practice at warp speed, take a break, he'd do a few bumps, and everything would get like nine times faster. He held it together though. I didn't really have much problem with it because he wasn't a trainwreck. He could still drum just fine. The singer though, he'd do coke too, and he became an unintelligible mess. all he had to do was fucking sing. He couldn't do it. He'd come in with a verse during the third bar of the chorus, and his words were just spitty slurry shit. I made them fire the singer then I quit the band right afterwards.
Just listening to PantyChrist. They're alright actually. A bit like Millions of Dead Cops crossed with Soiuxie Soux.

They're a good antidote to all the folk I've been listening to lately.

Rough Me Up is a pretty good tune. Could do with better production though but then I suppose the production values are intentional! Was the OP involved in this?
I used to play with a cokehead drummer. Like regular sniff it up coke. We'd practice at warp speed, take a break, he'd do a few bumps, and everything would get like nine times faster. He held it together though. I didn't really have much problem with it because he wasn't a trainwreck. He could still drum just fine. The singer though, he'd do coke too, and he became an unintelligible mess. all he had to do was fucking sing. He couldn't do it. He'd come in with a verse during the third bar of the chorus, and his words were just spitty slurry shit. I made them fire the singer then I quit the band right afterwards.
