Home Studio Newbie


New member
Hey all, im new to recording and new to the forum as well and i wanted to say hi to all and ask a few questions.

first of all a brief introduction,My name is Panayiotis im 22yo and i come from the beutifull island of Cyprus and from Sparta(Greece).I was into metal music for as long as i can remember. since my parents are both into rock, and my cousin that used to live next door to us was a hardcore metalhead. im into jazz and fusion-funck rock as well.My main instrument is guitar the past 8 years then i started learning drums 2 years ago and 1 year ago i started vocals(watched all Melissa Cross DVDs for metal singing) genres im listening are : technical death metal, death metal, thrash, progressive, jazz, rock, fusion, swing, blues.

My equipment consists of :

Line 6 Tone Port UX2
Line 6 FBV Shortboard Controller
Zoom G7 1UT

Marshall 100 Combo valvestate
Engl Screamer Head
Behringer Cabinet

WORK DM-65 Mic

Ibanez Jem J77 Special Edit.
Aria Pro Custom
Ibanez GSR 180 Bass

Sonor Drum Set Force 1007 22
AXIS longboards AL2
DDRum redshot Triggers

MacBook Pro i7 15"
Logic 9 Pro
Steinberg Cubase 5
FBV Controller Unit

Heres a link though i havent updated my photos for a while now, the room is completely different now:)

<embed src="https://img148.imageshack.us/slideshow/smilplayer.swf" width="426" height="320" name="smilplayer" id="smilplayer" bgcolor="FFFFFF" menu="false" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="id=img148/n1307102631300307907536.jpg"/>

Id like to now how to improve my home studio equipment. heres a list of the things im considering to buy as soon as i can afford them(by end of summer most prolly) its priority listing so first thing are the monitors and then the rest:)

ALESIS M1 ACTIVE 520 USB - Thomann UK Cyberstore

YAMAHA 01V96 VCM - Thomann UK Cyberstore

AKG DRUM RHYTHM PACK - Thomann UK Cyberstore

ZOOM R16 - Thomann UK Cyberstore

any thoughts? is this gonna be a good upgrade? or is it too much for a home studio? sorry for the wall of text and sorry if this doesnt go in here:D

thanks in advance:)

The best equipment you could get for your studio will be a well treated, properly proportioned Control Room.

Please post a sketch of your CR with dimensions & we can advise further.
sorry if this doesnt go in here
John already gave you the answer. But if all you are interested in is equipment...yes, your thread doesn't belong here. I suggest trying some of the other forums related to equipment. On the other hand, if you want to know how to improve your recording SPACE...well, welcome to the right place:D

BTW, it doesn't matter to us who/what you listen or aspire to. Who cares?

As to your equipment, other than accounting for it's physical space/location, ie...monitors, it has nothing to do with building a good home studio. Unless of course you have an API console with 50 or 60 rack mounts.:D