Home Studio Monitors


New member
Hey all,

I've been looking for a decent, inexpensive set of monitors for my lil home rig that I have setup on the PC. I am a folksinger so 90% of the recordings are gonna be acoustic. I'm just trying to decide if these monitors http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=3759559641&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT
are a decent pair for what I wanna do. Here's my setup:

Software: Audition 1.0
Card: M-Audio Delta 44 w/ breakout box
Mixer: Behringer 4 track mixer going into the breakout box.

Again, anyone think these monitors are decent for what I wanna do?

My guess is they aren't much better than a pair of decent computer speakers. Which isn't saying much.
Look at the specs, it says:
Frequency Response: 45 Hz to 35 kHz
That's a red flag and pretty misleading, in addition it doesn't state any variance in +/- xxdB ...

You won't be hearing what your bassy guitar & vocal resonances sound like on these guys I don't think. If you had a demo copy of some of your stuff on a CD (and commercial stuff you like the mixes & sound of) you could pop it into various speaker combinations in some local stores and see if you can find the balance between accuracy and listenability that you're looking for!