Home Studio 2004 and MIDI


New member
After lurking around these boards for several years I've decided to finally take the plunge and invest in a soundcard and software. I'm going with the Audiophile 2496 and Home Studio 2004 XL. But I have a question. I am MIDI ignorant. Will HS2004XL allow me to control my drum machine (DR. 660) and keyboard (old broken down piece of crap Yahama I bought at Walmart 10 years ago) via the 2496 or will I need different software/equipment for that?

My set up:

OS: XP Home
1.8GH P4 processor
512 megs of RAM
an 80 and a 120 GB HD
As long as you don't want to use them both at the same time, you'll be fine. :)
Tillamook said:
Why can't he midi thru to the second midi device, assigning a different channel?
Well, yes of course, that would work.

I just like to have one input and output for each device. It just makes it easier. I could never get my MIDI ring to work when I connected it to my PC... ;)
I was thinking that the Boss would let you assign the OUT as THRU, as I have read HC reviews in that said it had THRU capability. If that's not the case, pardone
moi and nevermind.
Yamaha MIDI Out --> Audiophile MIDI in.

Audiophile MIDI out --> DR 660 MIDI In.

With DXi and DR 660 available, you won't use Yamaha's 10 years old internal sound anymore, do you?... trust me... Use it as controller only.

BTW, you use the DR as playback device only, right ? :)

That's it...

Tillamook said:
If weren't for the legendary Yamaha Walmart Sound, The Captain and Tennille would not be where they are today.

But they surely had sufficient MIDI out by then.. :p :D

...or at least they didin't try using it with DR 660 with one MIDI I/O port simultaneously :D
Thanks guys, you've all been a big help! That's why I love this place! I took the plunge and ordered the goods (and spent money I shouldn't be spending). Now all I have to do is wait.

James Argo said:

With DXi and DR 660 available, you won't use Yamaha's 10 years old internal sound anymore, do you?... trust me... Use it as controller only.

That's what I had planned on doing actually. If the thing still works. I haven't used it in years and when I was using it there was something wrong with the aftertouch on a few of the keys. No matter hard hard or soft you hit them the note would BLAST from the speakers with some serious distortion. I was hoping to use the MIDI capabilities to 'tweak' these notes.

BTW, you use the DR as playback device only, right ? :)

Is it safe to assume you don't like drum samples on the Dr.660?
I'm sure I'll be using whatever samples come with HS2004Xl AS WELL as the 660.

Sorry to cause such a debate about the MIDI In/Out/Thru ports on my Walmart keyboard (stupid piece of shit). I checked it and neither it nor the 660 have thru ports. That's OK, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Shockadelica said:
That's what I had planned on doing actually. If the thing still works. I haven't used it in years and when I was using it there was something wrong with the aftertouch on a few of the keys. No matter hard hard or soft you hit them the note would BLAST from the speakers with some serious distortion. I was hoping to use the MIDI capabilities to 'tweak' these notes.


Is it safe to assume you don't like drum samples on the Dr.660?
I'm sure I'll be using whatever samples come with HS2004Xl AS WELL as the 660.

Hmm, that's fine :) Actualy, I don't have either Yamaha keyboard (used to have DX7 years ago, but it's been sold) nor DR 660, so I can't say much about the quality. But if you happy with them, then they must be the way to go :) I'm sure you'll find the tricks on using them with only one port available. In the other sight, you'll realize exactly how good it is to have multi port on rather more complex MIDI setup. Cheers :)
