Home Recording - Presonus/cubase. Opinions greatly appreciated!

It sounds like the whole band in the back needs to come up. It also sounds like you recorded everything in a sucky room. The guitars are fine. The vocals and the drums sound like the high frequencies were cut off. To tell you the truth, it was hard to listen to.
Hello, this kind of style should have a more punchy kick, if there is a Bass, is buried, i can't tell if it's the bass from the kick or a very low bass, anyway, it should be more on front.

Vocals are too dry, maybe you could double them and pan like 50/50. A little delay and reverb to add more presence, oh yeah and a hard compression. Maybe i'm wrong here but this is what comes to my mind after the first listened.

Also i would make a different Eq on the guitars... Try to hear the band Hammerfall ("any means necessary"), they have a great sound for guitars, bass and drums. For the vocals i would listen Nightwish ("Bye Bye Beautiful") when the guy start to sing, that's an awesome sound.
