home made popfilter


New member
I just got my new rhode nt1, and saw that the manual says to use a pop filter, but the closest store to me cant get one for about 8 days! soooo- I have heard that you can stretch panty hose over a coat hanger and get the same thing- is that true? Any other ideas? I really want to start recording, but am afraid if I do, and then get the pop filter later, my vocal tracks will differ, and I wont be able to do any punch ins. Is it worth the wait, or go for the hose!
I like rubbing my nose on pantyhose, but thats probably more appropriate on a different site. Seriously though, it works fine, i wouldn't waste the time or money on a store bought filter even though they look prettier.
Go to a craft store and buy a cross stich hoop for a buck and put the pantyhose on that. I'd be happy to email you a picture of the one I made. It looks just like the real deal and it won't set you back $30. And for God's sake, make sure you use clean panties!
I've built a pop filter as described. Using the cross-stitch hoop works a lot better than the coat hanger - you can stretch the panty hose (ooh baby!) over the smaller hoop, clamp the larger hoop over it, trim off the excess, and viola!

But I haven't been able to cobble together a very good way to attach this to my mic stand without the pop filter flopping around all over the place. Any ideas?
If you have an extra mic stand (a boom would be better, I'm thinking) and a mic clip...the hoops have a little thingie at the bottom to tighten them, right? Could you possibly attach the thingie to an extra mic clip, screw that to the boom and use it that way? If it were on a boom, it would be a little more out of the way, and you would have a little more flexibility in positioning it. Just an idea....
Here is a cool trick that will let you start at once.
Use a pencil.
Tape it to your mic so that it's directly over the front of the diaphragm.

No joke it works well and doesn't effect you vocals.
I think it would depend on WHO'S used panty hose it was as far as inspiration for a vocal performance.
Okay, I'll run the risk of being a giant pain in the ass here, but after trying to rig myself a pop filter out of a cross-stitch hoop (good idea), I came across this method which requires no pop filter at all: you use two mics about a hand apart, and sing between them - no pops, but you gotta learn to tip your head up and back for loud notes instead of turning to the side.

Yes, it's twice as expensive, but the sound is just so tasty it's worth it. Stereo versus mono, don't you know. Plus, the girl gets to keep her panties. Unless, of course, you're basically interested in getting women out of their underwear.

He: Honest, darlin', I'm just making a pop filter.

She: Is that what you call it?

Any port in a storm.