"Holla Back Girl remix"


I didn't even listen to the remix.

The original has to be one of the worst songs ever to get airplay, and wouldn't you know it's a hit.

I really don't know what to make of this......
much less what to say about it... :confused:

Did Gwen Stefani enlist you to remix this song?

btw - I thought this was going to be a joke..... :confused:

Are you looking for some kind of suggestions or criticism?
It's a crap tune to start with. You might as well re-mix any piece of crap that only 10 year olds listen to.

No offense.
This shit is bananas.


haha..who sits around and writes this? Furthermore, who says "hell yeah, great line..i'm going to use it in a song' ?
The main vocals are well recorded and clear. Overall, the mix balance is good IMO except for the extreme low end, maybe around 60 Hz, which is just a little too much and comes through marginally distorted on my system here, with both small and large speakers. Maybe this is intended for club systems with subs, but might not be practical with other systems.

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Yeah, I guess Tim's response is more civilised. I apologise for mine, I probably should have just not responded. I would delete my response, but I don't believe in that, so I'll just apologise.
I hate all things pop, but I gotta admit the music itself is far above average compared to most mainstream music. She's a good singer, but the stupid lyrics and repetition makes for a lousy song.

If I remixed it I would just lower the volume 20 dbs and put in some jazz music.
Music is an aquired taste.If this isn't a genre that you listen to then this thread isn't for you.

Thanks for the feedback Timothy
although i strongly disagree with your song choice to me it sounds like you did a really good job

sounds like something id hear on the radio
Not sure why everyone is getting there panties in a bunch for his song choice, who cares, do whatever the hell you want! I'm in the process of remixing a Milli Vanilli song. ....jk :D

The song is cool but sounds very hot and boomy IMO. I like your production alot though.
I know how difficult and time consuming it can be to remix songs as I do this myself and am in the middle of doing a remix album of popular(ish) tunes.
Sounds like you have added some cool stuff to it with MIDI? or samples?
But it needs the lo end cleaned up. Just put a hi pass over it and lower the lo end a bit.
This being a "Mixing" clinic, I don't think your going to get many responses in regards to a "remix". Im not saying that you should take it elsewhere or that your doing anything wrong but im sure there are more specialized forums, with more informed opinions on Remixes. Not really sure what your looking for based on your post. Ok its a remix, what next?
well, I listened because remixing is an art form even if it's a bad song. :D

Jesus, she curses like a sailor, doesn't she?

Well, to be critical, you don't really expand much with the parts that you repeat later in the mix. It's a good start, however, in that sense. It's a fine mix, I just think maybe you gave up changing it up like most remixes do.
Well, judging by how LARGE his SOUNDCLICK link is, it's got nothing to do with being on a recording website, and all about trying to move up some meaningless chart on a website that that only other musicians visit anyway.