Holey Moley! ART tube pac?

Cave Dweller

New member
i have been looking at the art tube pac for a while now, seems to be a solid peice...tube pre and compressor in one. i am not just looking at it because it is tube...i just want more color than i allready have. so i would probably be using it sparringly for vocals or bass, maybe guitar. i was wondering if anyone has used it, and what they think....your input is appreciated

PS i am also thinking of using it in my bass rig, to go before my graph and poweramp...any ideas?
I have owned a TubePac for about 4 years now and have used it alot. It can be noisy, but has its moments for sure. When I just can't find a sound I like with me other gear, I pull out the Pac. It has done a very good job with vocals, and makes bass VERY fat. The compressor is hard to get set, it has 1 knob for everything, but sometimes is sounds just right.


Had one about 4 years. About to replace the tubes with some Telefunkens. These things run hot! Great on bass. Big, fat, and squishy. Good on acoustic guitar mic or as a DI (even live). I also like it on my RCA ribbon mic. Makes the thing HUGE. Overall, it's very fat sounding and VERY tubey. It colors everything you run through it pretty dramatically, but it's a nice color.

I think the key to this thing is the compressor, cause I've heard the MP by itself, and it's nowhere near the same thing.
ok well i went and got this thing.....sounds great!! bass is just amazing through it....i could never do without it again! haha. really nice on vocals too. that is all i have really tried it on so far.
Jimmy, what tubes are in it to start with? please tell me what it is like with the new tubes when you have them in.

I am still using the original tubes that came in it. I opened it up and they were Sovteks, good enough for me if they sound good. The tubes are 12AX7's, and you can get them all over the place in many forms.

Another thumbs up for the TubPac on bass.

I had been trying to get a good full bass sound on my 4 track for years with my basses and a Sansamp Bass Driver to no avail.

You could hear it but it was very thin. Add one TubePac and instant fattness!:D