Hmm... that sinking feeling.

Well I dig Peter Gabriel so...

I guess it's similar. Very ccool soundscape and ear candy.

Kinda boring hook though, nothing to really relate too.

sinkon sinkon.......yeah, gets a bit repetetive for my taste.

Not bad though, nice production.

Cool song man... very well produced.

I like the distored vocal at the end.. what did you use to record it like that?

My only real complaint is that I think the vocals could have a little more emotion to them... with the rest of the song being pretty mechanical (and that's not a bad thing), the vocals kind of add to the cut and paste feeling of the song.

A little more variation on them would make some difference, imo.

Cool tune.

Velvet Elvis
great chorus... need a stronger verse. Bigger lead sound in the bridge.

I liked it. Musically, I thought it was kinda catchy.