Hittin the studio, need advice


Hey everyone. I'm getting ready to rent a home recording studio kit and i was just running through my game plan. I got a kinda old, unco-operative set of drums and i was just seeing what you guys thought about my little micing plan. I

want a pretty big kicker sound, but i only got a 20 inche kick, so to get the fattest sound i can i was thinking of putting farely sharp sounding kick up inside it, but getting another omni directional mic and backing it up outside the kicker and tom rack to pick up the toms and maybe some of the deaper tones of the bass drum. I'm gunna use a sm57 on the snare.... oh and i'm only gunna use one little condenser for the over head cuz i got really loud, bright cymbols that picked up loud enough just from the rest of the mics last time. I havn't desided the exact hi hat and tom mics i'm gunna get.... but i got a pretty good idea. Also, i'm recording in a small heavily furnished room, what will this do to my sound besides ambience? last time i was in an empty, thinly carpeted basement.

Thanks you guys, you guys can be life savers.
Sorry, I'm a bit confused...are you recording in a pro studio? A home studio?

Either way, a 20 inch kick should give you more than enough room for some bassy goodness. Tune fairly open. Start with no muffling and add as desired.

There are others who can give good suggestions on micing techniques, I'm pretty much a newbie in regards to that stuff :D