hire singers/musicians??


New member
I don't know how uncommon this request is, but I'm looking to hire a female singer for a recording; a one-time only thing. What I would do is send her an instrumental track MP3, and she would record herself singing along to it, and send the vocal track back to me. I would also send an example recording to show her how i want it to be sung.

Are there any bbs/web sites where I could find someone for this type of thing? PS: I'm not looking for the most "professional" of singers (in other words, don't want to be paying through the teeth for a small project like this).
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What kind of voice are you looking for? Just imagine the spectrum of female voices. I know at least a couple of good versatile singers who could do it.... but, what do you want to hear, Ann Wilson, Charlotte Church, Tina Turner? I have different moods and have really enjoyed Linda Rondstadt leading for Dolly Parton.
How about Judy Garland, Grace Slick, Shawna Easton?
The beauty of women, and their voices, is that they come in all shapes and sizes, from Stevie Nicks to Aretha. You don't really need to hire one, just get to know her, and she'll sing for you.
Anyway, let me know what you want. Certain types of professional lady singers I know, from one who's one step away from true opera diva, to blues and folk. I don't really know any women, save one 16 year old, that would do well with death metal, but that 16 year old may make it.-Richie
Of course they are all different, I just didn't know how to describe the sound. I'll be using the same music, singing style and melody of this song here .. different words, though. Who would you say she sounds like?
You seem to be looking for a young Dianna Ross, or maybe Michael Jackson type of voice? Are you saying the song is the same Genre?

Well my music is mostly in the rap/hip-hop genre, although the singer would be singing in the style as heard above.

However, it is just an idea in the wind at this point. I was more curious if it was possible, if there are people available for projects like this.
Unless your in bumfuck Egypt cant you find someone locally to work with? It is my exp that girls who think they can sing will come out of the woodwork if you put an ad in the local paper.
The problem is weeding through the ones who cant sing until you find what you are looking for.
If you had the patience you could always hang out at some karaoke bars on a Saturday night and see whats around...

But what the hell would I know :D
thirdrate said:
I don't know how uncommon this request is, but I'm looking to hire a female singer for a recording; a one-time only thing. What I would do is send her an instrumental track MP3, and she would record herself singing along to it, and send the vocal track back to me. I would also send an example recording to show her how i want it to be sung.

Are there any bbs/web sites where I could find someone for this type of thing? PS: I'm not looking for the most "professional" of singers (in other words, don't want to be paying through the teeth for a small project like this).

My ex-wife's got an amazing voice! Too bad she's abitch and can't work a computer to save her life!

Still, if yer serious I can send her your contact info... As much as I can't stand her she does have a phanominal voice....

- Tanlith -
Webmaster: Super Loop Library
Re: Re: hire singers/musicians??

tanlith said:
My ex-wife's got an amazing voice! Too bad she's abitch and can't work a computer to save her life!

Still, if yer serious I can send her your contact info... As much as I can't stand her she does have a phanominal voice....

- Tanlith -
Webmaster: Super Loop Library

GEEZ Tanlith, how do you REALLY feel? LMAO

evolving idea...

I also work with a couple of very good fem singers. I'll check out the tune and see...Then again, there's always tanlith's ex!

As far as your question as to where to turn in the WWW for players/singers, it's one that's definitely crossing my mind more and more.

My website is still being built (aren't they all?) Anyway, I plan on having a setup that will simply point players and writers to other players/writers with DAWS. I myself play & record violin/string parts for fellow cyber writers (I must say the latest I added to over at www.artistcollaboration.com is a pretty cool ditty...I didn't write it though..check it out -
) The method of adding the string tracks is just as you describe - DL'd an MP3, turned on SONAR and let the fun begin!

Anyway, I can't seem to find a straight-forward site that offers this simple connection service (no discussion boards and certainly no ads! I do believe one exists...maybe?..if not, here I come!)

Originally I was just going to hang my shingle out for my own services (for a VERY reasonable fee ..HA!) but I've read a few posts here and there that have lead me to believe that a site simply pointing to email addresses, personal websites, and maybe sound samples of OTHER players may be worth building.

There would be no charge to be added to the appropriate catagory (i.e. click on GUITARISTS, DRUMMERS, etc...) because it would be a simple matter of adding a link. Hopefully folks stabled there would make a bit of $ from being hired by fellow cyber-music producers...I know I'd use such a list for tracks that can't be found locally at a reasonable cost.

I've done several songs this way and so far it's been a very cool way to work. Yea, having the writers hundreds or thousands of miles away is a bit of an obstacle in the creative process, but there are some great players out there with DAWS that can make it happen in short order.

Again, my idea would be little more than a list.

Any thoughts?

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thirdrate said:
I don't know how uncommon this request is, but I'm looking to hire a female singer for a recording; a one-time only thing. What I would do is send her an instrumental track MP3, and she would record herself singing along to it, and send the vocal track back to me. I would also send an example recording to show her how i want it to be sung.

Are there any bbs/web sites where I could find someone for this type of thing? PS: I'm not looking for the most "professional" of singers (in other words, don't want to be paying through the teeth for a small project like this).

I have a pretty good range, but I still have those dangly bits between my legs...;) :D