Hill Audio Soundmix vs. A&H, Soundcraft

morte sicura

New member
Hi all, This is my first post here!

I am planning on building a home/project studio beginning this Fall. One of my first research goals has been to learn about the different consoles within my price range. I am hoping to spend a maximum of $1000 US; less if I find the right desk secondhand.

I have narrowed my "new board" search down to the Allen and Heath MX16:2 Mix Wizard (first choice), and the Soundcraft M12 and FX16 (tied for second place, each has its strong points). I can grab any one of these pieces without going over-budget.

However, I have also read a bit of good about the Hill Audio desks in different threads; they're mostly mentioned in passing along with other boards such as TAC and the older Allen and Heath and Soundcraft, usually when someone is asking about used consoles. Today, I was in my local music store and I spied a Hill Audio Soundmix desk, which is a 24x4x2 console. It has 4-band eq and seems to be on a par with my "new board" options listed above, in terms of features. Plus, it has those additional channels and the subgroups! I've gathered that the Hills were good quality desks, but I would love to have some input on this particular model, both on its own and in comparison to the three "new boards" I've mentioned.

I was told this particular board works fine and that it came into the shop from a church where it was well cared for, but I don't really have any more info at this time. I'm planning on talking with the shop owner later in the week to learn more of its history and condition. It is well within budget, and if it works well, I could save a few hundred dollars over the other "new boards" on my list. A new board would be more reliable, but saving some money (as long as the console checks out later this weeek when I look it over) would also be nice!

andrew >>|
I currently have the M12. It's beautiful to look at and beautiful sounding. It's a great little mixer (little compared to the Ghost anyway). If you pick the M12, go to northernsound.com as they sold mine for $630 including shipping. If you can go lower somewhere, then go for it.
Thanks for the reply! Unless I get a spectacular deal (or find something used that I really like), I'm most likely going for the Soundcraft M8. There is a Ramsa WR-S4416 (I believe it's called) here in town, also priced at $599. It is very clean but I haven't had a chance to fool around with it yet.

So it's between a new M8 or maybe an M12 (most likely choice by far) and the 16:4 Ramsa board, unless I find an Allen and Heath WZ 20:8:2. I am about 6-8 weeks away from the purchase. I'll be using the on-board pre's for at least 6 months, so it seems like the Ramsa would be my last choice.

andrew >>|