Highest Quality Interface...?

shAkEz_gk said:
But, does that unit have pre-amps built in?

No, but you'd have $275 to shop with. You could get a DMP-3 and a VTB-1, and have three usable pres until you are ready to splurge again. Alternatively, get a small used mixer and use the direct outs, or you might be able to swing a M-Audio Octane secondhand, and run the ADAT in.
I'm now thinking of taking an extra $500-600 out of the bank, and am looking into these 3 interfaces.

Apogee Ensemble
RME Fireface 800
Mackie 1200F

Now what are your thoughts?
They all offer enough pre's and I/O for me, as well as headphone I/O, but what I'm wondering is.. which would offer higher quality, and which would hold the best pre's?
From what i hear, Apogee converters are top notch. Though I've never used them before and cannot compare them to the RME, I used the RME for a while and was very impressed by its conversion though. I definitely noticed a difference vs. a Firepod. One thing you get with RME though is the best drivers you will probably ever find, so that means unheard of stability.

Also, I believe the Apogee is a Mac Only thing, you might check again, but I believe I read that somewhere.
Yes, the Ensemble is MAC only.
What caught my eye, was the fact it used it's own converters, and the Rosetta are outstanding, however it never said it used Rosetta or not, although I would think it would be a good guess.
It's pre's are the only thing I'm worried about.

As for the RME I know it's converters to be under a Rosetta, but the pre's may be more musical.. leaving me wondering where the real trade off is, and which I require more.

The MOTU 828mkII,
Has 2(mic)preamps
It's Available Now and it sounds so !@#ckin good!! :D
p.s. cheaper also
p.s.s. drivers are great too
The thing with the 828MKII is, the converters are less than the other units mentioned, and the pre's are on a Mackie mixer level.
Aside from that, I could really use 4 pre's.
On the topic of converters.........[QUESTION?]

Have you heard any of the mentioned converters?,
I have heard a couple of them and i can say to my ears the MOTU just sounded better to me. I think the best way to tell is to bring some of the style of music you like to a music shop and listen to them through your desired soundcard :rolleyes:
That is what sold me.
shAkEz_gk said:
Motu's converters sounded better than RME's?

I'm sorry that your screen didn't show my whole response "young'n",
I said it sounded better than the ones that "I HEARD" and for the record no RME sessions were aailable to me.........[read....read.........read] :eek: