Hi There!!


New member
Hi All

Just thought i would say hello and introduce my self!!

I have been using Cubase SX on and off for about 7 years but never really got deep in to it until now.

I am a guitar player at heart and love every thing rock and metal. I also like club music, classical, some pop and blues. I am interested in producing all sorts of music and not just one type!

In my home studio i have a MIDI controller keyboard, computer with two monitors, Creative Sound XFi Platinum sound card and the guitar but am slowly adding to it!!!!

Any way

I hope to learn allot from these forums and i hope i can help with my limited knowledge!!!

Yo AtomicDude!

Welcome to the fold man. Lotsa good folks around so don't be shy about questions OR answers you may have.

Oh...and if you read the TOS, you'll see (in really small print :D) that "the new guy buys the beer."


Later dude....Kel