Hi, New to Board, need help with older version of Cake? I might be able to help.


New member
I thought I would offer assitance if I can to people who are using older versions of Cakewalk. I have been using version 6 for many years and still am.
I would like to upgrade my Computer Rig totally but to much money so I would say I am damn good with what I have. My latest creation is in my sig.
That is why I am hear. I am hoping to get help in areas of mixing and mastering. Ill check this thread and see if anyone responded and if so I will try to help. l8r
Glad to have you on the team! :)

We're a number of people that have used Cakewalk-offer since version 3 (just ask James Argo ;)). I think I started with version 4, but I remember I have used a DOS-version sometime.
Welcome to the board, nonreversebird :)

Actualy, with such machine, you can gain extra sound quality and features with newer Cakey. But offcourse, $$$ rules! :lol:

Again, welcome :)

I began back with version 1.0!! When cakewalk came on 3.25 floppy disks. Anyone remember Beethoven? Back then it was midi only.
i had Cakewalk DOS and a Music Quest (Opcode) MQX-32m 2x2 midi interface. i later got a 4-track tascam portastudio cassette recorder and striped the 4th track with smpte.
The manual was written on rocks in the cave... and we realy boiled water to pump our organ :eek:

...and if latency occured, we need to sacrifice a virgin to kick the wave profiler's ass! :D :D :D

:( So everyone really thinks I nead to lay this machine to rest?

Thats kinda what I think you guys are telling me. Yea the DAL Card D+ cards are even unknown to DAL now to some of their new guys. Funny.

They still work though I just cant play enough tracks simultaneousely and yea I am not getting nearly the same performance out of a 16 bit card compared to the CardDeluxe 24 bit. I would like 3 CardDeluxes chained.

Hey DAL Ill write some really cool music for you if you hook me up? :)
You never know.