Hi, Im new.


New member
Im new here, i havnt currently got my own studio but use some gear at school. Im hoping to set up a home studio sometime but i just wanted to check my idea is correct and theres no better way of doing it.

Mics ----> Mixer ---> Firewire Interface ----> Computer ------> Mixed on PC.

Does that sound correct to you guys or is there a better way of doing it bearing in mind i havnt got loads to spend. Im hoping i might catch some bargains on ebay.
Cheers and happy new year !
you may not even need the mixer, depending on the firewire interface you choose.

don't forget monitoring and room treatment.
Yeh, I have already got Reaper and Kristal, both pretty good for free.
I have been looking at interfaces like the Terratec Phase 88 and M Audio 1010. I have also come aross a Hercules 1612 on ebay so im keeping an eye on that. But this is all going to take a while as i will porbably need to build another computer for recording as the one i use for everyday use is XP 64bit which isnt compatable with most recording software like Cubase.
Uhm, yeh i forgot to include monitoring and as for room treatment, thats whats kind of slowing me down as i need to decide where im gonna base all this stuff as i dont exactly live in the most practical hous for recording.