Hi Everyone .. I would like to introduce myself


New member
I was just pointed to this awesome board .. WOW .. this is the best looking board I have seen ...

Anyway, My name is Lana Crowley, I am half of a songwriting duo together with my hubby Randal http://www.mp3.com/thecrowleys

we are not hard core artists ... we are jsut songwriters who have, I think exceptionally quality lyrics and decent musicc .. :)

I am very active in the mp3.com community .. I love supporting other artists around our community .. and I represent one of the top artists there as his NMA ... which is a large task .. for he is a very outspoken person .... anyway .. he has a new song out intitled Treadmill http://artists.mp3s.com/artist_song/1748/1748213.html> I think it is one of FT's Best tunes .. ..

I would love to hear some feedback from anyone who may be intrested in giving it !!

again thanks for a wonderful place ... this board is very nice and alot of extremely informative information .. thanks for your time .. Lana Crowley !!
Wow lanac, that was a cool song. It riminded me of a cross between The Alan Parson's Project and Pink Floyd with a blues flair. Did you write it? Great job, keep up the good work!

Well, the tune itself isn't bad but I hear a few problems. The lead guitar sounds out of tune, the distorted lead guitar is out of tune as well and the tone is a little strident for the feel of the tune. It sounds like the direct output off the back of an amp. Not enough of a creamy sound. And the drum machine.....:eek:

Thanks Yall, I figgured this one to be dead since noone was replying to it ,

I appreciate the feedback very much !!

ON FTs page, he lists...

Story Behind the Song
I wrote this song before I ever owned an electric guitar

Seems like he wrote the song before he had any musical ability also... not to mention any recording skills.........

All I can say is "yikes"... bad timing, bad tuning, bad vocal, bad guitar tone all around, cheesy drum and keyboard sound. And how the hell can anyone fuck up timing on a drum machine????

The song isn't even interesting enough to make me see past any of the recording or production flaws.....

Defintely not a song he has to worry about copyrighting....... come to think of it, that would apply to most of his stuff.

Holy Moly!! This is THE Father Time that I have read so much about? I am blown away. The old myth is true:

" The smallest dogs have the biggest bark".

If I was that guy I would Change my name do Father Pitch-Deaf, as even a child would wince at how out of tune the lead Guitar is.

Ever hear Baroque "authentic period" music? Basically they tune to an "A" that is 426, and now we tune to 440. It is like the guitarist is at 426, and everyone else is at 440.

I have read hundreds of posts about FT, and now I get it, finally. This seems to be a person with basically no musical talent in any way, shape or form. Wow, this guy really has some fucking nerve to be such a pest around here; I have totally stayed out of the FT stuff, because I didnt know why everyone was so mad at this jackass, but now..........hehehe, what an idiot!!!!!!

It reminds me of those cable access programs where a grandma sings "Feelings" to a Casio-like track.

If it was anyone else I would have said " Nice Try, sounds promising", but for somebody who boasts so much, I only have one comment:

Don't quit your day job.
I just checked out more FT songs. Such hits like " who is the fucking president".

Nice sound quality on the vocals. Who made that Mic, Fisher-Price or Snap-on-tools? I tried to listen to another one, Gimme-yada, but the sound quality was so poor that I couldnt possibly listen to more than three seconds without throwing up.
maybe everyone wouldn't have given such harsh remarks if this FT was not given such a impressive introduction.

anyway the song is definately ..... err, hobbyist work. ;)

The guitar sound and playing is lame and the vocal sounded like a typical guy in a karaoke bar....

like DavidK said, don't quit your day job..... hope you have one! :D
dang ... -sigh

I was hoping for some feedback .... but never expected to get this ....

I guess I should apologize ... that is how all of this makes me feel ...

I have read alot of the posts on this board where others have asked for feedback and they got really good constructive critism ...

and then I come back to my thread and WOW ....

I thought artists communities were places where artists could go and network and share theirs and others work to get positive and constructive feedback for their material ..

and I have sent several friends from the Mp3 community to this board as well ..

I hope that they don't get this kind of critism when they introduce themselves, if they do after reading this thread ...

thanks .. Lana Crowley / www.mp3.com/thecrowleys
Re: dang ... -sigh

lanac said:
I thought artists communities were places where artists could go and network and share theirs and others work to get positive and constructive feedback for their material ..

I think this community has more of engineer rather than artist who are more concern about the sound and the recording. And technical guys can be rude cos they lack social skills... ;)

anyway, my statement about the day job was just a joke (bad joke, I know)


Dear Crowleys:

It appears that you have done well in Billboard songwriting competitions..And that's good...So good that you have no business doing a Father Time song. Not that FT is a bad lyricist, he's a pretty good one. But what is wrong with his stuff is common knowledge around these parts.

I am downloading one of YOUR songs right now, and that is all I will critique, because how you do one of FT's songs is irrelevant.

Best not to network with the boy...You reap what you sow;)

Hi lanac, listened to one of your tunes 'cold day in hell'. I thought it was a pretty nice folk tune, good lyrics and vocals. I liked the bass and guitar in the song...but i thought you could of done without the synth? or what ever that was in the back ground. But still good folk in it's own right.

On another note, you seem like a nice enough person and you are reviewing other artists/engineers work on the board unlike what F/T did when he was here, and that's all good. But coming in here and repesenting that guy is a no go here. I did listen to one of your tunes and will continue, but I aint gonna give that guy the time of day...

Father Time...a legend in his own mind

I downloaded & listened to one of YOUR songs "Cold Day In Hell".
The production was immediately better, actually very good.
Well-mixed, down, nice acoustic guitar sound.
So my question still stands...Why does the recording quality of 'Treadmill" suck? Is that so we know it's a Father Time song?

You have good stuff on your own. You guys recording a FT song is kinda like Barbara Striesand recording a Marilyn Manson tune.

What's the point???


We havent recorded anything by FT .....

I promote him ... on Mp3.com.. as his NMA ....

I didn't know that yall knew FT .. a friend told me about this BBS and said it was a great place to get feedback ...

so that is why I came ....

you must have read my post wrong .....

I dont think it is a misprint ...

but how is the rellevent ??

how much earnings someone has I dont believe is rellevent to their music ....

Our earnings are only 153$ ... does that reflect on our musical ability ??

I guess I am different then most people ... I am able to look past someones recording ability ...

and hear the song itself ... I think Scotts lyrics are very well written ... I think he puts his heart into what he writes .. and I feel he is very similar to Neil young in style and Vocal Ability ...

I know that he is a very outspoken personality .. and does tend to make people mad here and there ...

but he is also a very caring and wonderful person too ... that is the side of him I see ....

Lana / www.mp3.com/thecrowleys
I was also surprised to see $978 in earnings for FT. I was maybe more surprised to see "18 top ten mp3's in 2001". Yes, this is not relevant to the music. It appears to be relevant only to the amount of marketing. At the risk of sounding unconstructive, I'll at least say that this is not top ten stuff. I listened to two or three songs and didn't see it. Usually people here are not demeaning in their opinions. They will offer constructive criticism no matter how novice the recording. Everyone's got to start somewhere. And reviewers often point out the good aspects as well as the bad.

I never heard of FT; I wasn't around when he posted here. But I did a search for the names "FT" and "Father Time" and read some threads. Quite an episode, and one that I surely would not dredge up. But my impression based on those threads is that FT would not be interested in any constructive criticism. My understanding of the purpose of this forum is for people to get advice on how to improve the quality of their recordings through better recording and mixing techniques. Reviewers also mix in some feedback on the music and performance itself, but I always thought that was a secondary purpose. I think a good post will say something like "please listen to this song. I can't get the guitar louder without stepping on the vocal. Any ideas how to fix this?" (I do wonder myself sometimes, though, because there are a lot posts that just say "please listen to my new song" and you don't know if they want opinions or if they simply want people to listen.) One thing that this forum is not is a place to market music. It's more an educational forum.

If I were to give constructive criticism to FT on the treadmill song I would suggest buying an electronic tuner and using it, seriously. If you care about your music enough that you are going to promote it that strongly, then you should care enough to make sure you're in tune when you record. And if he is as serious as he appears to be, then he should take three of his best songs and go to a recording studio.

I also listened to "Cold Day in Hell". A nice song and recorded pretty well---well enough that I'd have to leave any recording criticism to the more able guys around here. I liked the vocals and also mood of the song.
I just want to point out...

...Except for the odd comment in the FT bullshit threads - I stayed out of it for the most part.... my critique had NOTHING to do with the fact that it came from FT, if you (Lana) had done that song my opinion would not have changed.

Lack of recording skills aside, there was nothing about the song that held my interest. And musical ability ALWAYS COUNTS, even in a demo - you don't need huge recording production - it can even be lo-fi, but a demo of the best song in the world is going to be looked down upon if basic musical elements are lacking such as timing and musical ability.

Now - I was curious what the connection between you and FT was so I listened to the first song on your own page. Totally different level of recording and musical ability. I didn't agree with all the balance in the mix (vocals didn't quite sit with the rest of the track) but it was infinitely better in both production and musical skill than FTs stuff.

So......... I disagree with you - my assessment of the FT track was both fair and accurate from and engineering standpoint, as well as an artistic point of view (I am a musician as well as an engineer.) In addition, I've heard clips of some of FTs other material - and it was no different at all - same schlock, same lack of talent....

My opinion is that his material is not noteworthy in any way, so I honestly have no idea what you gain by promoting it, or even WHY you do...

BUT.... it's your business! To each his own, and YMMV.....
