Hey, reality. You suck! (Noise-Pop)


Hello everybody.

Did you ever have reality sneaking up on you, destroying all of your carefully constructed dreams? Well, that happened to me...so I wrote a song about it. It´s a noisy pop song with crappy production values and it´s called "Hey, reality. You suck!". I´d love to hear some feedback from you guys. Do you like the song? Do you hate it? Please tell me why. :)


I dreamt about a girl who fell in love with me
But on the other hand I dreamt about an alien-race
that kidnapped me with a big spaceship
Yep, my mind goes apeshit in my dreams

I stopped and turned around and looked at
all the monsters that where trying to sneak up on me
and I pulled out my sword and taught them how to lose
I´m Ryu Hayabusa in my dreams

Oh, reality. You´re doing a bad job
convincing me you really can keep up
with all my dreams...of which I have a lot

You fail at merging my imagination with
Your ordinary schlock

I was flying through the days
passed clouds, reached outerspace, saw possibilities
I noticed the lack of air around me
Now I finally can sleep soundly in my dreams

Oh, reality. You´re doing a bad job
convincing me you really can keep up
with all my dreams and dreams I have a lot
it seems like you have given up on me
I hope someday you´re able to let go

You fail at merging my imagination with
Your ordinary schlock

Thanks for listening!


  • Hey, reality. You Suck.mp3
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Where do I start?

The song itself is awesome!! It's original, interesting and the quirky phrasing and rhyming of the lines is perfect. Your voice (I assume it's you) is strong, confident, and a great pop voice. The harmonies at the end work very well.

The backing is chaotic and a bit out of control. You may be aiming for that effect, but my particular musical tastes would prefer to hear a more disciplined, cleaner backing. For example, the bit where the acoustic guitars get a run ('oh reality' . . .) sounds great. I think that there is too much going on in this arrangement, and that is a distraction from the song itself.

Great work!!
Hi, gecko!

First of all: Thanks! Most of the time I don´t do songs as noisy and messy as this one. Usually I tend to make music that is much more calm and low-key. This time around I wanted the sound to be chaotic. The first mix of this track was actually even more packed with strange noises than this one. I kind of like the overall sound as it is right now...but that´s just my weird taste in music, I guess. And yeah, I really have a knack for layering my songs with way too many effects...I will try to cut back on this in my next songs. :)

The chorus is great. I think that's a chorus. It's got acoustic guitars and melodies and stuff. Keep being weird.

I think chaos is fine...if it's done like Radiohead or Wilco...I'm sure those bands are totally irrelevant to you, but my point is that incorporating everything from cash registers to chainsaw feedback can make a recording really interesting. I don't think that's the problem with this recording; It just seems like it's not gelling together. It's like you got some really ambient sounds going on all around you and then this really dry, in your face vocal. I don't know...I enjoyed it. Couple of listens...3 listens in.
Sounds like it could have been done by Shinobu (Not to be confused with Shinobi or Gaiden, Mr. Hyabusa! :D )

I like the chaos of it. The only thing that didn't work for me was the vocals. They sounded a little pitchy and uncertain, as if you hadn't quite gotten the melody down yet.

I really liked the lyrics!