Hey KarnEvil


New member
You said you had a Fostex 450/16 track. I don't have a manual and only do trial and error with the shelving and Q adjustment. As you know,nothing is very clearly marked. You wouldn't happen to have a scan of that section would you? I found a guy here in Dallas that will copy the manual for 16 bucks but the eq is the only part I'm relying on my ears on and may not be utilizing it to its fullest, everything else is pretty simple.

Let me know
Yes, I do have a manual. However, I don't think what you are looking for will be in the manual, aside from "this knob does this". The shelving and Q adjustments are normally determined by ear. There are common EQ adjustments that experienced studio engineers use to, for instance, take the 'boxey-ness' out of a miked kick drum. However, the manual won't tell you that.

I'll take a look though. I don't have immediate access to a scanner - it may take awhile. Or you could just email me exactly what your curious about and I'll reply with the info - my email is posted in my profile.
