Hey Folks!


New member
Hey everyone,

I'm new to the forums and like to introduce myself quickly. We run a Youtube channel about filmmaking and recently purchased a 3000ft2 hall to make several studios in.
The hall is going to need sound proofing and acoustic treatment so I'm going to use a lot of the info here in the forums :) It's going to be a real challenge to find budget solutions as it's not going to be cheap to treat such a big space.

Does anyone here have experience with such halls and may have some good tips to pay attention to?

Can I assume a couple throw rugs and a bass trap won't do it? :p

Being that this forum is aimed at those with 1/100th the amount of space to treat, it's unlikely you'll get any specific advice unless someone just happens to have some professional experience setting up sound in large spaces. However, you might want to browse the treatment subforum as many of the (budget minded) solutions members employ at home could be adopted on a larger scale(?).
Thanks for the tips :)

I've been looking at lot at theater halls and thinking about building reflections (different shapes) out of wood or something. For sound proofing my main idea is to build an extra wall and ceiling. I'll check out those forums!