Hey Dom Franco.........


New member
I read about your success with your cd-recorder. Unfortunately, I cannot help you out with any graphic programs, but......Could you tell me (us) a little more about your set up? I want to be able to burn my own cd's and am interested in how you (and anyone else) goes about doing this. Thanks in advance.
I have done it this way so far...
1. Multitrack digital recorder mixdown to
Minidisc.... Multiple mixes until I get the best one. (This is analog, through a 24 chanell Ramsa board with multiple reverbs and slight compression on the entire mix).

2. Simple digital transfer through Optical cable to CD recorder. Using CDR's at about
$1.66 each!

I haven't tried this yet but I want to;
1. Mix down analog to the CD recorder.
(With 74 minutes available I should get one or two good/great mixes on a CD!)

2. Then do a digital transfer from a CD player to a "Master" CD. (This would avoid the rumored loss of quality experienced by going through the Minidisc's ATRAC data compression).

* I have been A/B compairing my mixes to commercialy released CD's, and the volume is right up there, hot and bright...I have no complaints!


Dom Franco