hey check this out


New member
I've posted a couple new songs to my site.
Radish dancer is the one that I'd like you guys to listen too.

I wrote and recorded it in an afternoon. I'm pretty sure I know what the problems are, but I want to see if you guys agree or have any more info to add.

It clips a little I know, but not too bad. The a/d converters on my soundcard are shit too. It was done on a four track cassette machine, and I'm planning on re-recording it on my fostex fd-8, whenever it comes back from the shop (like that will ever happen.) and when my at 4033 comes in the mail.



-Jett Rocker
first off, that's a great picture! You should put that in the photo album!

on to your song -

I like the weirdness of it. Kinda sounds like you were on some kind of mind altering substances.

I didnt like the guitar sound at first, but after I listened a few times, it grew on me. That's a good thing, I think - because you always end up liking things more if they are an acquired taste.

I dont like the effect on the vocals though...I think it's a bit too much.

There's a fine line between genius and insanity, and apparently no requirement to stick with just one or the other. Some bottom end would be nice to hold everything else in, but I like it.
Ok, you dick...
This is EXACTLY the type of song I do not need stuck in my head at this time.
Why did you have to put a catchy melody to this twisted,
festering ooze of a song? WHY???
And that "Raindrops Are Falling On My Head" intro sounds like B.J Thomas with his head held under a hot, steaming

So thanks again...I gotta headache...
hey thanks... anyone else want a headache?

I agree. It needs some bottom end, to keep its innerds from falling out. There's nothing going on down there. But,I was kind of limited with just four tracks. When the 8-track comes back... yeah.

The vocal effect is a little too much, true. Plus I felt like the vox were a little too prominent and sharp in the upper mids.

I think I might replace the short keyboard bits with a piano, next time round. (a crappy out of tune piano

Dougie, I'll take what you said as a compliment... I think. :)

If it is successfully infectous at this stage, maybe I'm on the right track.

-Jett Rocker
Yup....bottom would be cool....nice dissonance, but would be more effective without the harsh volume.....have you ever heard "Honey Pie"/Beatles/white album?...they got a great sound on a similar style/unstyle.....and yeah, yer tune IS catchy...dammit....gibs
Thanks for the replies.

I'll post when I rerecord this song in a month or so, and maybe a few more rough drafts of others in between.

gibs- I read your post in the cave. I take all comments seriously. Just cuz something's posted on my site doesn't mean that I wouldn't take it down and put up a new improved version. I'm interested in getting better. So don't dispair.

-Jett Rocker
paragraph breaks?there is too much organization in this p[lanet already.anyway,ok,you are totally insane.,and it is very refreshing to hear people create their own original sounds,after all the crap that is a vailable in this world,in fact i am actually relieved to know that this music is available to every living human.i just hope that some kid dpoesn't get a hold of it,go into a burger king and unload a machine gun,then blame you."it was jimmy danger!!his testicle told me to do it!!!"aaaaaahhhh!!!(hold on,i gotta start a new paragraph......
whe-eew,okay,that was tough!!i remember you now,we were talking about your fostex.at the moment you were pretty satisfied with that thing.wow,that thing rebelled on you pretty fast!!are you really getting it repaired ?and if so,how much will those theiving #@$$&*** charge you?or did fostex promise to do it fer free?under wearranty?ooh sh*t!i went way off track.i like the vocal sounds!!go with it,that's your signature,i like the weird wobbly guitar ,as well.i wish i had good speakers to really hear those songs,and that i wasn't at work,with the muni bonds trader looking at me real funny every time he hears your voice!!you should see this dude's face right now!!!i love 4-track recordings ,esp.cassette,rare precios and few!!!